THE WHITE RABBIT?! O_o It's sad enough on Roxas' part, but where did the rabbit get the time to waste on kidnapping people?
Otherwise, remember that scan that had the screenshot of Roxas with the Genie? I get the feeling there's going to be A LOT of moments like that XD Poor Roxas isn't all fun and childish like Sora is.
My theory is laziness. You heard me, I said laziness. They didn't feel like making a unique character to be the third knight so they just recycled Roxas and decided this "Ven" would be connected to them.
...EVERYONE is connected to Sora. It's like how everyone was Ansem, but now they're all Sora instead :)
Card system for BBS = Someone REALLY HATES Fruity....even if I don't have a PSP >_> Still considering getting one just for that game though.
Maybe they'll be less spiteful and somehow make their little card game easier than it was in CoM? I hope so x_x
358/2 Days (Seriously, WTF does that mean?) still looks like the best title out of the three. I admit to being SLIGHTLY put out by the lack of stylus use but I'll live...T_T It's just too bad my favorite Org. member is DEAD when this game takes place. There'd be epic win if I got the change to beat things with a giant flower.
Hahaha, silly me XD For a bit I was confused as to why this would take place after CoM when it talks about Roxas' time in Organization XIII...but there's a year gap between CoM and KHII...and Roxas didn't spend that whole year in Digital Twilight Town.
I am a big silly.
Personally, I think the DS one sounds the most interesting...but that could also be because I already own a DS. Might get a PSP just for Birth By Sleep though. Coded sounds lame and stupid. It sounds like you're going to go through the events of KH1 AGAIN, we already have like THREE TIMES ALREADY.
You know how some diaries come with those little locks and keys? Jiminy needs that for his journal.
Hang on...I made some awhile ago...*Searches compy* AH HA
Xehanort = No Heart or Another
Xenmas = Ansem
Xigbar = Briag
Xaldin = Dilan
Vexen = Even
Lexaeus = Elaeus
Zexion = Ienzo
Saix: Sai
Axel = Ale
Demyx = Edyem
Luxord = Rolurd
Larxene = Arlene
Marluxia = liamar
The first seven (Xehanort to Zexion) have been confirmed one way or least I think "No Heart" has. I know "Another" was in Final Mix+, the others in Ansem's Reports. Beyond that, I made them up.
From what she said in the first game, she had no interest whatsoever in going back where she came from. She's happy clappy on the islands with her boys ~.^ XD
Now everyone take a good long look at who made the game, shall we?
*Stares at Square-Enix...Nomura, particularly*
Yeah. They tend to make things seem a heck of a lot more complicated than they actually are. (To me, anyway) Therefore, complicated theories arise because they're trying to think like the creators?
Or maybe people just like complicating things. As for me? The problem with long theories most of the time is that whoever's writing it does so in such a way that nothing makes any sense.
You can probably also look at Anti-Form as an anti-existence of the drive forms. Darkness IS half of everything (Existing anyway) so in order to balance the "light" of Sora's other forms, Anti-Form exists as their dark side.
It might also serve as a kind reminder to Sora not to abuse this power : )
This from the same people that aired the commercial that was NOTHING BUT SPOILERS. At least I think that happened on Disney Channel >>;; I don't completely remember.
That was pretty lame o_o and uh...cheating? YOU CALL THAT CHEATING?!
Assuming you get to "rebattle" him along with the rest of the Organization, I say he's weaker in the story battle than he is in the rematch. That makes the most sense to me.