Poker Face - Lady Gaga
I've just joined the choral speaking team to represent the school, but teacher wants me to find a text but I can't find any. Do anyone have a link to one? I don't want my teacher to chop me. D;
Myanmar. :D
I know. That was something I'm curious about in Code Geass. ><
OMG! You know, the father is having a mistress out there. ;D
As Long As You Love Me - Backstreet Boys Classic songs ftw!
Aww.... It's so cute!
Thinks that fruits aren't good for health.
I like the part where he got a cold. :v
I'm a hairy bunny and I've got ticks. D:
Yeah. I read the book and watch the movie, but I like the book more.
Does your name mean Wizard Howl? :'D
Does it provide vitamins for the brain? :>
LOL. ... I feel like having a snack now but I forgot to stock my cupboard with them. D: