Recent Content by frozenrose

  1. frozenrose


    Hello everyone that's replied, and thank you.
    Yes, I shall be a good girl and read the rules, I shall spam in the spam zone... (all though I never spam. But thanks for the tip)

    *blinks* Wow, another Frozen Rose! Phew, I'm glad we've written the screenname is a different way, otherwise we'd be so mixed up, LOL!

    ...and *fumbles for keyblade* *squeaks* ...I haven't got a keyblade to fight you with you... O.O Oh dear, LOL.

    Thanks again for your kind, if you'd excuse us >:] *drags Axel off* *snickers evilly*
    Post by: frozenrose, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. frozenrose


    Hello! My name is Lauren, I'm 15 years old, coming up for 16 this August.
    I have many interests, mostly art and music. Big fan of both Michael Jackson and Johnny Depp (Jack Sparrow! XP). Been into anime/manga related TV shows/comics for quite a while now. Been interested in Kingdom Hearts for quite a while now, ever since I've heard about it. Longing to play the games... *mumbles* longing to get PlayStation 2 to play them.

    My favourite characters out of Organization XIII are; Marluxia, Zexion, Roxas, Axel (*drools*), and Xemnas...oh! And Xigbar and Vexen!

    I've also got an interest is Riku...*melts*

    Hopefully, I'll be able to get the games and playstation 2 for my birthday! :D
    Thread by: frozenrose, Apr 11, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures