@Xendran I use AR MAX cuz I wasn't able to get my hands on codebreaker or gameshark mainly because coidebreaker wasn't released on any pal systems from what I've heard, but still thanks
Ok basically what we're gonna do is use MAX Drive(or any other Flash drive) to add codes to our ps2 from our
PC OR remove the from the original list(personal list) and put them on the memory card(optional). This is useful for codes that take forever to enter,
and a good way to backup your codes if AR MAX happens to act ghey and delete them.
Stuff Needed:
MAX Codelist Manager(I use portable edition) get ithere
MAXDrive PC Software(can get that from codejunkies.com)
Action Replay MAX EVO Edition(or any newer editions)
1 MAX Drive or any other Flash drive(Flash drives seem to work for me I dunno about jump drives and others)
1 memory card(optional)
The Official Codejunkies updated code list = NTSC | PAL
1. Okay first once you have downloaded all the stuff you need you are going to edit the codelist with the MAX Codelist Manager.
2. Open it and select "Add" down the bottom left, then find your official codelist.
3. It should load and a message will come up saying something to do with .mcmcode files click ok and find a place to save(this is needed as if you select cancel it will act queer and not import the codelist).
4. Now once you have saved it somewhere it will appear in the bottom left box, make sure it is ticked and click "Make Active" to have it editable.
5. Click "View" down the bottom left, and start editing it to your liking(e.g. delete games you don't have, add codes(leave them ticked)).NOTE that if you delete ALL the games you don't have you will make it alot smaller and save alot of space.
6. Now once we've finnished there click "done" and you should be back at the window were you started at,(if you have deleted some games from the list they will appear red in the bottom right window,
it just means that they have been deleted nothing important)
7. Click settings, and tick export to MAXDrive Saves folder, make sure your settings are set on the right region too otherwise it won't work.
8. Click "Browse" for your saves folder and find the MAXDrive saves folder(should say where it is when you click it).
9. Click "Ok" and and then Click "Export favourites to ARMAX" and the codelist should now be in your MAXDrives Saves folder
10. Open MAXDrive and plug in your USB drive, expand the saves folder in the left window and drag the codelist to your USB drive.
11. Plug your USB drive into your ps2 WITHOUT the memory cards and start up AR MAX, it should load the list(if you deleted some of the games the list will load alot faster).
Saving the modified codelist to your memory card
12. Startup your ps2 with your memory cards and NOT your USB drive, Select MAX Memory from the main menu.
13. Once MAX Memory has loaded goto Memory Card 1 and find and deleted ALL ActionReplay MAX Settings files(usually 1 or 2).
14. Go back and select the USB drive, and copy the codelist to memory card 1.
15. Once thats done remove your USB drive and restart your ps2(NOTE: YOU MUST REMOVE YOUR USB AND RESTART YOUR PS2 OR THIS WILL NOT WORK DON'T USE THE MENU TO RESET.)
16. Once its started check your list and it SHOULD be the one you modified.
Well thats it, it worked fine for me if it doesn't for you leave a message and I will try to help you the best I can.
Lol i deleted ALL the games except for Kingdom Hearts 2 and it was like 27kb(with my codes and original codes)
P.S. The MAXDrive PC Software probably isn't needed but I just added it in cuz thats how I did it to start with.
I have made a custom codelist for download too its around 5kb(its only kh2) and its got some character modifier codes,
party codes, wepaons, etc. I'l try and update it regularly. It's PAL codes btw.