Recent Content by FreeHeart

  1. FreeHeart
    Personally, I think it would've been fine without her. I mean, the whole plot in the game 358/2 days where it either comes down to Roxas or Xion is fine, but if you've already played KH2 (Or looked at the cover for the game..) you know that Roxas is the one who comes out of the fight. On top of that, he doesn't even end up remembering her... So she doesn't even continue in the rest of the storyline.

    However, since she is most of the plot for the game 358/2 days, she sort of is needed. The game would probably be boring without her.

    Maybe they just really needed a different storyline for the game xD.
    Post by: FreeHeart, Dec 21, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. FreeHeart
    Hmm. Well [[bit of a spoiler here]] I was watching a Japanese (english dubbed) commercial for Birth By Sleep, and
    Ven mentioned something about wanting to be "erased".
    I could be wrong, but I think Nobodies are usually the ones getting erased, especially over regular characters..

    They might not be linked in any way what-so-ever, completly different people.
    In which case, I think the character layout in the game is a little lacking. I mean, if you're going to have two completly separate characters, you could at least make their hair & eye color different. That's just a mix of lazyness and loss of creativity :/ .
    Post by: FreeHeart, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. FreeHeart

    Heyy :)

    Well I just posted a topic the Help Department or w/e you call it around here ;P. [[Tech Support?]]

    Anyways, I'm new. I obviously like KH. I've made fan/music video things for it for a pretty long time now. [[That doesn't mean they're any good. :rockdover: ]] I like to make Banners with Photoshop, writing stories, RPGs if they're good, and I'm obsessed with music.

    I'm trying to get a nack at computer drawing... So if you're willing to take me up as your grasshopper & be my mentor or something, that'd be cool :P.

    Anyways, I'm up for friends :). I would consider myself a pretty nice person and junk so.. yeah.

    Thread by: FreeHeart, Dec 20, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. FreeHeart
    Alright so I'm new here =]...

    1.) I was having issues with the links in the cutscene section, but only in any section other then the Kingdom Hearts 1 downloads.

    I tried to report it, but the report link wasn't working either.

    After a while of being fed up, I used the other computer across the room, and every link was fine. From what I can tell, the links are not disabeled on my computer.. So please, anyone know why it would freak out on this site, and in every cutscene section excluding KH1?

    2.) So then I decided to make an account...
    And the question was:

    I did the math several times, and the answer is 30. Despite even rechecking with a calculator, the site told me I had the wrong answer.

    3.) When I finally signed up, it told me to wait for an email conformation (which I'm used to when I join forums..) I waited, and waited... I never got one.
    Which brings me to the next complication... I tried once to make this topic, and it told me to wait for an email. A few minutes later (still haven't recieved an email), I tried again [well, now], and it works.

    Alright. To make this look less like a story of my life, I numbered the issues. I apparently have three. Please help with any/all three if you can. It would be greatly appricated.

    Free Heart
    Thread by: FreeHeart, Dec 20, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Technology