Recent Content by FlowersAndFoxes

  1. FlowersAndFoxes
    I've been looking for a code that reduces a specific stat by one - or back to base. I forgot I had used a power boost early in my game, and it's a little bit lame. Anyway, would appreciate it if anyone could supply me with a code!

    All right. So I found the Slot 1 Strength Modifier code, after some searching in the thread.
    But it does not seem to work for me.
    I exchange the last two digits with "04" - making the code look like this; "21C6C8D8 00000004". I am also running a patched Codebreaker 9.3 elf to work on ESR patched games.

    Hope someone out there can help me out!

    EDIT2: I can confirm that some codes to work - in this case; the BGM code. So it appears that the problem lies solely in the strength mod code.
    Post by: FlowersAndFoxes, Jul 7, 2013 in forum: Code Vault