Recent Content by Fintalgia

  1. Fintalgia
    I dunno if anyone has ever found this code yet but this may be one of the funniest codes I've come across. I also don't know if this works for everybody, cause I have an english patch on my iso, so yeah... but at least try it out!

    Play with T-Stances:
    0017fbb4 00000000

    EDIT: Umm, did it work?

    EDIT 2: Well, the english patch is the Rev8 patch made by Sora6645 on youtube. Other thing I forgot to mentoin is that when I use this code it is also giving me an error message in the console of pcsx2. So the code uses some kinda error to work.
    Post by: Fintalgia, Jun 21, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Fintalgia
    Thank you Xad and Timestone. I actually re-installed everything and got it working that way, but I try to be more careful in the future.
    Post by: Fintalgia, Jun 8, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Fintalgia
    1Timestones38n posted:

    "This is something you need to do via emuhaste.
    AI can be tedious, and crashing is honestly a large part of modding.
    And some msets don't mod well. Who are you trying to mod?
    And most animation mods are DMA beyond all reason."

    Like I stated I am using emuhaste to modify and ps2dis to check the game's datas.
    Who I was trying to mod? I was trying to modify data-Saïx's movesets.
    Here are the movesets I modified:

    55A's animation & effect = 58C's animation & 58B's effect
    56A's animation & effect = 50A's animation & 51A's effect
    56B's animation & effect = 58B's animation & 58B's effect
    57A's animation = 55A's animation
    58B's animation & effect = 56B's animation & 58D's effect
    58E = FAKE

    The animations and effects are values that I got from ps2dis. The full code is still on beta-stage.
    It worked for a while but then it didn't and I don't know what changed. I started over again and it didn't work.
    When I activate the code and the battle has started and I wait for Saïx to perform his new moveset but then the game crashes whenever he's trying to perform it.
    Post by: Fintalgia, Jun 4, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Fintalgia
    So, a few days ago I started having this weird problem with modding KH2FM, (with PCSX2 and emuhaste of course) the problem is:

    Whenever I try to modify boss' movesets or it's A.I. the game just crashes (or freezes), only with those kinds of codes: modifying enemies "normal behaviour". It doesn't crash immediately, but whenever I load the battle or the enemy does the move I changed. And this just happened randomly: I don't remeber changing any setting on my pcsx2 and that's just the weird part of it. I tried troubleshooting for few days now and I can't come up with solution to this problem. If anyone has ever heard of this kind of problem and wants to help me with this I would be so thankful to you. And of course I can post the "crash report" or whatever from the console of pcsx2 if you need it.

    Also: my first comment on this site.
    -Sincerely Fintalgia
    Post by: Fintalgia, May 7, 2016 in forum: Code Vault