It runs on my laptop and everything was fine but I for the life of me could not find twilight thorn.
Question. In the original japanese bbs are there the models for most of the characters who you see in the secret ending ([kh2] Sora, Xion, ect)? Also after download umdgen again after staring it up my firewall (Online Armor which I didn't have last time) was saying if I remember correctly umdgen wanted direct disk access or something, it was a few days ago so I can't really remember, but does anyone know why it wants it (I downloaded a few different umdgens and same issue) I'm certain it's not just an issue with online armor since a different firewall I has last time had alarms when running it. Everything seems fine after running it and avast and malwarebytes don't find anything when scanning it so does anyone have any thoughts?
I tried that, downloaded noesis twice and the modding station twice. Without an error message or anything is very difficult trying to find out what went wrong. And thanks for all this.
Didn't explain it well enough sorry [don't post on forums when you're tired]. The actual BBS Modding station program is working [the one with Ven, Terra and Aqua, with the different options which don't come to mind at the moment]. I can extract the models and open noesis but the issue is that noesis won't read the models and the issue seems to be is noesis, for reasons known just won't read the bbs plugin so it can read the bbs models. Did that clear things up a tad better? Willing to keep trying if needed (laugh).
One thing I forgot in the previous post was to say "thanks in advance".
Does anyone know what's needed for noesis to read the BBS plugin? Pretty much my case is at a computer (which I can't get to for a bit even if I am helped) was able read the plugin and everything was ok, the computer ended up with all sorts of crap so I wiped it completely no OS no nothing, after reinstalling Windows XP noesis would no longer read the BBS plugin (or the KH1 and KH2 either). Running Wine in Linux they show up but on XP nothing.
So long story short the computer (running XP) had whatever it is too read the plugin, XP out of the box doesn't and Wine has it. If anyone has any ideas they are welcome since there's no error or anything to give me a clue what's missing.
What i said was worded poorly (surprise, surprise...) and I may be misunderstanding you. But pretty much what I was saying is hopefully they'll dub the new cutscenes, and battles for the other organization members: Zexion, Vexen, ect. And yeah I doubt they'll re dub Diz for kh2 but you never know.
I don't think they'll re record the whole thing either since as you said really it will cost too much. But yeah apart from Diz nothing/no one else was re recorded.
It'll be good to see re coded in better quality. In kh2fm the new models and textures should be good and hopefully they'll dub the new lines, and they better not re dub Diz! Actually I wonder if they have a few things dubbed.
BBS looks nice.
A question is what will be in the other credits (like how 2.5 was teased in 1.5), well that's if they decide to add the addition credits anyway. Also what will be added to kh2fm and bbsfm I wonder...
That's interesting. Hopefully they'll release the footage.
Going by RE COM's credits Meaghan Jette Martin is Namine and Alyson is Kairi. Can't be bothered to check re coded at the moment, since im pretty sure by memory (its been years, gimme a break) Namine is younger in that game but I'm certain Meaghan is voicing Namine in that.
Now there's 2 for Richard! Im not going to play the (insert name here) is better game. At the end of the day what one person likes another dislikes. They both play the character differently, eg. the "kingdom hearts fill me with the power of darkness" scene. To me for Billy it seems more like a "give me power so I can finish these fools" while Richard on the other hand its like a gasp for life pretty much (at a guess it's what the director wanted). One thing that would be instresting is what would re com be like if Billy voiced Ansem? Since with the "insolent brat!" line, Richard does show the anger of the character well (personally).
I rather Richard, Im not saying there's anything wrong with Billy he does an amazing job but I like Richard maybe it is since at the back of my mind he is a familiar voice from my childhood (Myotismon). Maybe it is since I can't remember his voice that well, but I have a hard time imagining Billy in kh2 where (roughly) Riku says "I am no one, just a cast away from the darkness".
Good to hear the english voices (expecially Paul St. Peter ^^). Its a shame that it seems with every installment Jesse/Roxas is sounding a bit different but thats the way life is. I'll take a guess and say Riku won't sound much or any bit different. It'll be instresting what trailers we get (in english), since Japan didn't get many trailers.
KH2. In Roxas' dreams (flashbacks of kh1).
Are you meaning since Namine's voice actress in kh2? or her voice actress in re com, day, bbs and re coded? To me she still sounds like her recent voice actress (Meaghan Jette Martin) but thats just me.