I smell coincidence.
Today? Where was I? My dictionary doesn't have the word "necromancy", so may I ask what you are implying? I know who you are. I just can't remember your username. >_<
Nope, not dead. 8D I'm pretty good. Maybe. Depends on how interesting this makes my day. xD Because you all know how interesting khv is.
How are you today? I'm back from the dead for a day.
Aww, now saying this makes me feel really bad. Okay, I ended up choosing Deidara. The thing is that I'm not rich. When you sent me that book, it...
Huh? I didn't quite understand. It's funny, I have a cold again today too. xD I feel a lot better though. Every time I talk to you now, I'm sick....
Aw. T_T That sucks.
orlynow? Can you explain this further?
I'm not that scary.
Oh, I remember you, I think. I'm ILoveRikuAndYouCantStopMe? Remember? 8D Quoted for emphasis.--
This actually amused me for ten minutes. :D
I came expecting Avenue Q.
Yeah, I did. x3 It's funny, yesterday I stayed home and now I have a pile of homework, too. xD
That's quite a lovely avy you have there. Miku Hatsune. <3