Recent Content by Farthen

  1. Farthen
    Yep, that was good, but a bit easy. My favourite one is the last, the third mision... That's the one I really enjoy doing.
    Post by: Farthen, Apr 9, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Farthen
    Well, as the title says I want to start these thread to talk about the gumi ship of Kingdom Hearts II. I like do Gumi Ship's routes. And I would like to talk about it wiht other people who also like do these.

    These thread is for anyone who would like to talk about it with me and anyone else who also like it.

    I also open these thread because my friends say that I'm strange (they don't like it and never do that) and don't want to talk about that with me.

    So that's all, if anyone would like to talk about the gumi ship...
    Thread by: Farthen, Apr 9, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Farthen
    Every time you use one of these drives:

    - Valor
    - Windsom
    - Master

    You get 1 antipoint. And then the probablity of Antiform to apear is:

    - 0-4 Antipoints. 0%
    - 5-9 Antipoints. 10%
    - 10 or more antipoints. 25%

    If you get a new form the antipoints gets to 0, if you transform in antiform you lose 4 antipoints and If you get to final form you lose 10 antipoints.

    Thats all, I hope I have been usefull.
    Post by: Farthen, Apr 5, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help