Recent Content by farewell friend

  1. farewell friend
    My problem is the inability to pay attention, so I can't stop thinking XD And you can't take meds your whole life, anyway, since they do not solve the problem, only cover it. But college is demanding, and tests are not being studied for properly (or not studied at all), and assignments are missing or lackluster. Thankfully I'm better this semester. It can take me 45 minutes to make a sandwich >_>

    Oh, that's interesting. Thank you :D
    Post by: farewell friend, Sep 8, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. farewell friend
    Even though I will never receive that cookie in person, I know its virtual spirit has touched me.


    No meds here either... yet. /life is getting hard like this.

    They're trolling us with Dream Drop Distance .-.
    1000 posts I can make, easy. But how do you become premium?
    Post by: farewell friend, Sep 8, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. farewell friend

    I'm new .-.

    But thankfully, not to the KH series XD In fact, I'm playing Birth by Sleep (by far the best KH game to date).

    Uhm... I'm ADHD. orz.

    But why is Dream Drop Distance a 3DS game?! It's like they're trolling us, OTL. A game that important should've been PSP or PS3.

    You can call me Riha, if you like, or FF. Either works. I'm Muslim :D

    [Is there a way to change your usertitle?]
    Thread by: farewell friend, Sep 8, 2011, 15 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. farewell friend
    Profile Post

    Hello world :D

    Hello world :D
    Status Update by farewell friend, Sep 8, 2011