Recent Content by FallenAngelWarrior

  1. FallenAngelWarrior
    Okay sorry for the very long wait, but I've been wrapped up in something else. So as of right now it has started. I will accept new comers.
    Post by: FallenAngelWarrior, Feb 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. FallenAngelWarrior
  3. FallenAngelWarrior
    Username: FallenAngelWarrior
    Pic: I thought it represented me.
    Name of Character: Unknown
    Background Color: whatever looks best
    Quote: no quote unless u got a good one
    Post by: FallenAngelWarrior, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Art Shop
  4. FallenAngelWarrior
    I'm adding vampire to this. Vampires can be good ro evil.
    Post by: FallenAngelWarrior, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. FallenAngelWarrior


    I thought it was beautiful. Please keep posting your poems, no matter what anybody says. Also your poem reminded me of love. So keep posting!!!!!!:) :)
    Post by: FallenAngelWarrior, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Archives
  6. FallenAngelWarrior
    I'm not against it, and I'm not for it either. I rather wait until marriage, but if you do have sex before marriage it ain't gonna be the end of the world.
    Post by: FallenAngelWarrior, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. FallenAngelWarrior
    yeah that would be cool!! If you really want to be evil, then go ahead.
    Post by: FallenAngelWarrior, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. FallenAngelWarrior
    crap!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't know that, thanks for telling me.
    Post by: FallenAngelWarrior, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. FallenAngelWarrior
    Okay Wtf!!!!!!!!!! Is That Even Possible????????????
    Post by: FallenAngelWarrior, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  10. FallenAngelWarrior

    Okay so here's a new rpg. I'm bored so I am starting up one. The story is: "In a world, far beyond our own, a war broke out, causing darkness to be cast down. The all powerful, Mage Serik created a powerful crystal. King Nurzhan found Serik, but Serik had already hid the powerful crystal. Nurzhan killed Serik. Now people search for the crystal to either bring peace, or even more darkness." You can either good or evil, depending on what your race is. It's up to you whether the world is saved or destroy. Here are the races of this world:

    Humans: good or evil
    Elves: good
    Fairies: good
    Witches: evil
    Mages: good or evil
    (You can be half, and half is wish)

    Elves has a certain element they control. There is no limited of how many people can be an element. You can be only one element. Here are the elements

    Please put your name, race (Element to if you're an elf or half), age, gender (VERY IMPORTANT if you don't I get confused), age, weapon, side, and town you are from (If you wish)

    You can have as many weapons as you want, just no guns. Here's mine, use it as an example:

    Name: Noela
    Race: Elf (Fire)
    Age: 14
    Gender: Girl
    Weapon: Bow and Arrows, two daggers
    Side: Good
    Town: Neva Village

    So have fun.
    Thread by: FallenAngelWarrior, Dec 19, 2006, 498 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. FallenAngelWarrior


    Kingdom Hearts inspired me to write this. So please tell me what you think!

    I feel so numb these days
    I can’t feel you anymore
    Are you still there?
    The way you touch me,
    The way you hold me,
    And the way you kiss me,
    Makes me go so numb
    Are you still there?

    I can’t feel you anymore
    In my world, you only exist
    Everyone around us is never there
    The stares we get out in public, are not in my world
    The numbness you have made feel when you left, is no longer there

    I dream at night of you, and try to remember the best
    Why are you not here with me?
    The promise you made to me,
    Those words you spoke to me, saying you’ll never leave
    That you are here stay, has drifted away from me, making me numb again
    I can’t feel you anymore, are you still there?
    Thread by: FallenAngelWarrior, Dec 19, 2006, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. FallenAngelWarrior


    Arina saw this person running toward them. "Tasarha! Who's that?" Arina pointed over to the running person.
    OOC: Somebody post, (Hint, hint)
    Post by: FallenAngelWarrior, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. FallenAngelWarrior


    BIC: "OUCH!!!! We will get there soon enough!!!!!!!!!!" Arina yelled, as she tried to jerk free from Tasarha'd grip.
    OOC: We just got to get more people.
    Post by: FallenAngelWarrior, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home