That is Some of the best advice I've ever gotten on this subject. Thanks Noroz, it really did help a lot, Because, you described the exact way i feel(inferior, undeserving), and that's exactly how i do feel sometimes, like a few hours ago. But it goes away after a few hours. I gotta get out of this house more often, i'm tired of my small room. But hey, what makes up for it is i get to see her tomorrow.
I've come to a conclusion that I'm a jealous guy when my girl is with her guy friends, it's not that i don't trust her, it's i don't trust them. i want to, but i cant. I get this just empty feeling inside my stomach. I was wondering is there anything i could do to over come this jealousy, I'm just kind of desperate to overcome what i hate being.
Ill work on it when i get home from school today, i made a colored version of this before this one, and it looks better. but ill work on the border.
Thanks guys, this was a little project for music theory, we were supposed to make a song that had drastic changes in it, and we only had 45 mins to do it, and this is what i came up with:)