Recent Content by Explode

  1. Explode
    Yes, cutscenes have been recorded for everything except for DLC. Need to grab some more battle footage and do the editing. Took a bigger break than expected, but this week I'm returning to it. Thanks for your patience!
    Post by: Explode, Nov 2, 2023 in forum: Community News & Projects
  2. Explode

    Hey gang! With the future of Twitter being somewhat unclear, we're trying our luck on Mastodon. Our handle is:

    We created our account on the server, but you can create yours on just about any server you want, and still be able to see/interact with us, as long as your chosen server is public. You can follow that link to create an account (or find another server here).

    If/when you do join, let us know in the comments (or through a DM) and we'll give you a follow. If you're here from Twitter, same rules apply. This could quite possibly go nowhere, but the greatest chance of success is us sticking together.

    For more info on how Mastodon works (we're still figuring it out too), you can check out this video:

    For clarity, this website isn't going anywhere, and barring the unforeseen we'll still be on Twitter. Will probably try cross-posting on Twitter and Mastodon. Just figured we'd try something new :)
    Thread by: Explode, Dec 18, 2022, 0 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  3. Explode
    It's unfortunately not possible for ReCoM, or X Back Cover. All other games however, it is possible.
    Post by: Explode, Nov 17, 2022 in forum: Community News & Projects
  4. Explode

    Hey everyone, the next batch of Kingdom Hearts III cutscenes in 4K FPS are out now! This one covers all worlds from Monstropolis to Land of Departure.

    To recap what makes these videos special, they feature:

    - PC version with Max Settings
    - 4K Resolution
    - 60 Frames Per Second
    - Dual Audio tracks (English, and English without music)

    You can download everything here:
    Kingdom Hearts III Cutscenes (4K)(60FPS)

    Alternatively, you can watch the cutscenes online using this YouTube Playlist, mind you the quality is not quite as good, and doesn't have dual audio functionality.

    In the next release, we'll be rounding off KH3 with the end-game, DLC, and other loose ends. Look forward to it!
    Thread by: Explode, Sep 5, 2022, 2 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  5. Explode
    Hello, I've moved this to the Code Vault section.

    I'm not familiar with that tool, but I think the KHPCPatchManager will do the trick for you. It can extract (and repack) pkgs:
    Post by: Explode, Jun 21, 2022 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Explode
    I'm not sure what you mean. They can't be turned off in Premiere, since it's baked into the video. They must be disabled in-game. For KH3 you turn off subtitles in the menu. For a lot of KH games there's no option, so they need a mod to remove them.

    Subtitles are off in our newer videos, but not in many older ones.
    Post by: Explode, May 23, 2022 in forum: Community News & Projects
  7. Explode
    I use Adobe Premiere Pro. PS4 versions unfortunately don't have those options (though KH3 does have a subtitle toggle). The options are only on PC, and even then require a bit of modding to turn it off completely.
    Post by: Explode, May 10, 2022 in forum: Community News & Projects
  8. Explode
    I turned the music off in-game, then manually added the soundtrack back in, using my editing software.

    Then exported two different audio tracks, and used ffmpeg to add both of them to the video.
    Post by: Explode, May 3, 2022 in forum: Community News & Projects
  9. Explode
    Coming eventually.
    Post by: Explode, May 2, 2022 in forum: Community News & Projects
  10. Explode

    Hey everyone, today we're releasing the first batch of Kingdom Hearts III cutscenes in 4K / 60FPS, at Max PC Settings.

    You'll definitely need a beefy hard drive to fit these, as this set alone is nearly 40 GB, and KH3 as a whole will probably be around 130 GB once it's done! As you can imagine though, the quality is stunning; it looks nearly identical to playing the game in real-time on a high-end PC. I understand this isn't feasible for everyone, so we'll be uploading them to a YouTube Playlist as well. The quality won't be quite as good, but for those who want the next-best thing, it's there.

    Going with our recent trend, these scenes have 2 audio tracks, one with background music and one without. And thanks to the USMToolkit made by Rikux3, even most pre-rendered scenes can have their music turned off. Those pre-rendered scenes have a few caveats on the music-less tracks: it uses mono audio, so no panning effects, and a lot of sound effects are missing due to how the 5.1 surround was divided up. But dialog is all good: think of it as a cool bonus ;)

    You can download them here:
    Kingdom Hearts III Cutscenes (4K)(60FPS)

    This set goes from the start of the game to Kingdom of Corona. I'm doing it in parts because of how much space the raw capture files take up. If I did everything in one go it would fill up my hard drive haha, so I'm moving them to an external drive every now and then. Plus I figured it's better to give people access as soon as possible, what with how long this takes. Hopefully the next part will come out a bit faster.

    You can check out our full Cutscene Archive for the rest of the series. See ya around!
    Thread by: Explode, May 2, 2022, 9 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects