Recent Content by Exire

  1. Exire
    Actually, Tales of the Abyss is pretty good. o.o I got it recently [bugged my friend to gimme a copy] and teh graphics are like Tales of Symphonia. ... Or, better put, *somewhat* as good as Kingdom Hearts. Thing is that cutscenes are anime-stylez, while KH cutscenes are... ... Squeenix-stylez. The battle system isn't Linear mode, thankfully, so it's pretty easy/fun for those who enjoyed the run-around-like-crazy battle system for KH. Yeah... It's pretty good.

    Oh, and none of the stories are connected, unless you count the whole Symphonia being the "prequel" to Phantasia.

    ... Right now, I think there are like, around six~seven main titles of the Tales series (Abyss, Symphonia, Phantasia, Destiny (first and second), Eternia and Legendia - which sucks, really, IMO. Don't get that one.) Then there are like, little ones, Narikiri Dungeon, Radiant Mythol- ... I'm rambling. Very, very sorry.

    Overall, the game's awesome. Voice Actors are very good, I must say. Yuri Lowenthal. -thumbs up-
    Post by: Exire, May 15, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  2. Exire
    ... Well, really, me saying "I'm so sorry" - since I'm a total stranger just *lurking* the forums - probably really won't help you, though I really am. Funny, a whole lotta people died within the past few months. Friend's friend's father, my friend's dog was run over by some drunken driver, the VT incident, a week ago my friend's grandfather died, and then this kid's brother died from some... brain... tumor thing.

    But anyway, even if you don't want our sympathy, I shall lend it to you anyway. I'm sure there was a reason, but truly, though I really am a stranger, I'm sorry. It'll take a while, probably, to get over it, but the best wishes to you.

    -Note to self: add yet another death to prayer list. Oh boy. >_>-
    Post by: Exire, May 15, 2007 in forum: Discussion