The awesome-ness of Morgan Freeman makes the clouds solid. How do you start the car?
Haha, well your not lacking observation skills. Cookie for you! :poketoungeb:
Sweeney Todd does it for me. I love how he can make musicals laughably gruesome. Now thats talent! :sigh:
I saw it on one of those torturous Disney commericals I think... 'Least their good for something. :rockdover:
Naruto~ Spoiler Itachi. How could you Sasu-chan!! Itachi had way more handsome days to live darn it!! :.-.:
Yay! An uber naruto fan! :Awesome:
'All Quiet on the Western Front'. I'm all for the Combat action, but this? Shoot me silly. The infinite 10+ lettered words didn't really up the wow factor either. I guess reading German war books really aren't my forte.. :sleepy:
The Dark Knight. It seems to be a over-played hit these days... on HBO. :rockdover:
Hehe, yeah it was awkward enough with the toned down 'hugging'.. . I can't imagine the uncut version! :poketoungeb:
Heh, I also stumbled upon it while fighting Demyx... I think I recall my brother calling him 'Black and loco'.. :why?: