Riku Replica SPOILER!!!!!!!!!! Be careful when fighting Riku replicas.... THE LAST ONE IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH THAT ENCENERATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then, after without healing, Larexene attacks!!!!! O_O Its hard.... :( Oh, and Marluxia can hit you from such a wide range, I WAS AT THE OPPOSITE SIDE AND HE TELEPORTED AND KILLED ME!!!!!!!!!!
Omg!!! ZOMFG People, I named myself after this guy! HE IS SOOO AMAZING AND SOOOO STRONG!!! I lost to him like a million times :( HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! ME HAVEY FINAL MIIIIX!!!!!!!!!!
I voted Xaldin... I ordered KH2 FM+ and have to wait 2 WHOLE WEEKS for it....:(