Recent Content by Enigmatic XIV

  1. Enigmatic XIV
    That is very much so.

    I think the ones without keychains are the original keyblades, and as said earlier in this thread, take the form the heart wishes it too.

    Quoted from Pika Power:
    And there we go. They run on spirit energy. Now that makes more sense.

    So if they run off spirit energy, and master Xehanort has a chained one, I would say that Xehanort found out about hearts, and started experimenting with them. He discovered the power of darkness, and what abilites it leant the heart. As such, he crafted his own blade to react to his heart.

    Now if only I can think of an explanation for the shattering. Perhaps because Ven was close to death, and his spirit could no longer sustain the blade?

    Yes, I think I have it. The Chaserblades require the user's spirit energy. If the user has no spirit energy to spare, the blade weakens and looses its properties. This is what is seen in the graveyard, and what happens to Ven's. If the spirit energy is especially strong, the blade can be manipulated completely. Chaserblades are crafted, and are not as secured to the owner as Keyblades are.

    Keyblades form a bond with the heart, and draw off the keybearer's memories to attain new forms. This happens when a trinket is attached to it that represents a memory. A keyblade does not have the fault of smashing if the heart is too weak. Instead it seeks a new owner. This can be problematic, but the owners are able to fortify ownership of the blades with friendship. Without that, they loose some of the greater abilites, such as summoning the keyblades. (Sora and Roxas fight represents this, as does Roxas and Riku fight.) What's more, the keyblade is more spiritual than physical. (Not spiritual as in related to the spirit. Spiritual as in related to the heart. But I can't really say heartual.) This means that if the owner draws enough energy from their heart, they are able to make two of them for as long as they can sustain it. Quite often this requires drawing upon a friend's energy. This explains Kairi's keyblade, (It was Riku's second one) but it leaves Roxas as an unknown. I am going to say he draws on the strength of Sora's heart and memories.

    The soultaker is still a wildcard. I am going to call it out on being a construct made from the seven princesses' hearts, so I think it cannot be categorized, as it clearly is heart related, but lacks a keychain and all that jazz, while having strange dark powers.

    Soultaker(Or Life and Death as some fans call it) is a gathering of the seven princesses of heart with darkness infused.

    As for Roxas, calling upon Sora's heart and memories is much to the likeing of the situation. Kairi being the Oathkeeper, Riku being the Oblivion. But as for why Sora needs drive...

    Roxas was only able to summon Oathkeeper and Oblivion at Memory Skyscraper and when fighting Axel (who was much surprised, hinting that he never saw this before.)

    I think that Roxas could only summon these keyblades when he figured out about Sora. Both times he used these was when he was was in connection with Sora strongly(Memory Skyscraper, wanting to find Sora. Axel, when he remembered everything about Sora.)

    And I think out friend Xehanort became a likely inventer of keychians, molding one to fit his dark heart. Keyblades aren't just meant for those in the light. They can bring peace or destruction! (I think King Triton knew about it in KH1, and will appear in BBS)
    Post by: Enigmatic XIV, Aug 23, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Enigmatic XIV

    Unconfirmed sources tell of confirmed sources that say the 14th members name is Xion, which means it is NOT Aqua.

    Anyone else heard about this?
    Post by: Enigmatic XIV, Aug 23, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. Enigmatic XIV
    Normal Sora, but is that Anti code for when I turn into anti Sora? Like him wielding a keyblade?

    I was wondering that too, how to Play as Anti Sora with a Keyblade, and/or with the final form model.
    Post by: Enigmatic XIV, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Enigmatic XIV
    :D Thank you Deaheart! *hugs*
    Post by: Enigmatic XIV, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Enigmatic XIV
    Ah well, whats the code for weilding a keyblade under antiform (and button combinations and when to do them), weilding way to the dawn, and Room mod for final Xemnas fight to be in the Station of awakening?

    Edit: and whats the base code for editing Riku's keyblade?
    Post by: Enigmatic XIV, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Enigmatic XIV
    Ah well, whats the code for weilding a keyblade under antiform (and button combinations and when to do them), weilding way to the dawn, and Room mod for final Xemnas fight to be in the Station of awakening?

    Edit: and whats the base code for editing Riku's keyblade?
    Post by: Enigmatic XIV, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Enigmatic XIV
    How about someone trying to do this.

    Not just WIELDING Way to the Dawn and the Darkside Kingdom Key(Mickey's blade) But actually having them in your inventory. as seletable weapons. And what is that Keyblade with the nobody symbol on it? I want to weild that one :D...
    Post by: Enigmatic XIV, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Enigmatic XIV

    I think I see a keychain on the end of Ven's and aplace to put one for Aqua and Terra. Not sure though...
    Post by: Enigmatic XIV, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Enigmatic XIV
    Usually when I come on here I have some crazy good idea, but this time I don't.

    I mean, I've attacked all the points we could about XIV, there isn't much more to talk about.
    Post by: Enigmatic XIV, Jul 9, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. Enigmatic XIV
    This is a pilot for my manga script for my Kingdom Hearts spin off/continuation, Kingdom Spades.

    Kingdom Spades

    Pilot Chapter

    "Nothing is Something"

    (Scene begins at Memory's Skyscraper. Two hooded figures, sitting on the stairs. A dark portal opens in front of them, and another hooded figure walks out of it. It doesn't stop walking and forms two keyblades, the Kingdom and Kingdom darkside. The two on the stairs raise up, one drawing a katana, the other a gunblade. Both their weapons brandishing the Nobody symbol. The Keyblader stops walking)

    Keyblader: Tell me…Tell me now. (Neo Shadows come from the ground around her, Dusks appear with the ones brandishing the Nobody symbol) Where are my boys?

    (Scene switches to the Grand Hall in Radiant Garden, a silver haired boy and two hooded's behind him.)

    Hooded 1: Seyer, as you asked, this is the Door to Darkness. But what do you plan to do, making her a Keyblade wielder?(speaking to silver haired boy)

    Seyer: Only she can stop him from unlocking Kingdom Spades. He's not acting on his own accord.

    Hooded 2: And the Door to Darkness?

    Seyer: I need to get to the End of the World, a passage way leads to Kingdom Hearts there.

    Hooded 2: Then Heartless wil pour out into this world again, I cannot allow that to happen.

    Hooded 1: Neither can I, your plan will have to end here.

    (Seyer turns around with a Spade Key in hand, The first hooded takes out a Buster-sword lookalike, the second two keyblades, the Oath Keeper and the Oblivion)

    Seyer: This is the only way…

    Hooded 1: You really are his…
    Thread by: Enigmatic XIV, Jul 9, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. Enigmatic XIV
    Post by: Enigmatic XIV, Jun 25, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Enigmatic XIV
    I never said they were the same person, just that they looked alike. As for the magic theory, the is quite possible, but I support the deep sleep theory better...

    But keep oin mind we could ALL be wrong. Since Aqua ia the only barely tapped female character, we are associating her with XIV. She could just be someone completely different.

    But I can't help but feel there is a reason Ven and Roxas look alike....They are somehow connected?
    Post by: Enigmatic XIV, Jun 25, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. Enigmatic XIV
    *walks in with theories in hand* JEBUS!
    Aqua being miss 14, the seducing of Roxas, it all makes perfect sense seeing as its near obvious that Ven and Aqua had something going. Ven looks like Roxas, and Aqua's nobodiy(or Aqua herself?) comes onto Roxas for just looking like him, maybe even calling him Ven from time to time in the game.

    Everything is adding up to Aqua being miss 14. But i also suspect, the reason why Roxas left the organization wasn't because of knowledge of Sora, but knowledge that Aqua gives him on keyblader Ven, who he looks exactly like. My mind is racing here and I can't put it all down in time, but use you imagination. XP
    Post by: Enigmatic XIV, Jun 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. Enigmatic XIV


    Take it from someone who has read the bible cover to cover. In the Ten commandments and the bible, it never says their isn't more than one God. It only saids, "Worship no other gods before me".

    More than one God, but this one is selfish.

    I'm not hating on it or anything, just stating.

    BTW Proud Satanist.
    Post by: Enigmatic XIV, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: Discussion