He still won't take damage, I can easily beat him.. It's just that.. When he is down to about 2 bars left. It would look like this. [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||] [||] If that make's since, after he gets down to something like that HE won't take anymore damage, and I think i'm on Standard, I don't remember. Wow, I just found out.. I can't beat it on the PS3, there is a bug or something making me unable to kill him.. That's reallly gay.....
Hi thar people of Kh-Vids. I would be Emoisum. (Emo-is-um) So liek, nice to meet you all.
I am beating Kh2 for the second time in about 2 years ;-;... And I'm stuck on the Hostile Program (Boss in Space Paranoids) At one point it won't take any damage, at all. Can someone tell me how to beat him? (Don't know if this is right place, sorry.)