Recent Content by Elskamo

  1. Elskamo
    Artie will probably go with Aston again
    Post by: Elskamo, May 11, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Elskamo
    "I agree, we're much better off avoiding fights where we can. We seem like a very sound group so I'm sure we'll do much better at figuring out the passcode" Arthur was glad the group seemed to be in agreement though he had to bite his tongue to avoid giving Badun a scathing retort. Arthur didn't know what it was about this man but he made Arthur's blood boil in a way he hadn't felt since he was a child. He was much better off ignoring this selfish man and trying to get to know the others in the group.
    Post by: Elskamo, Apr 27, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Elskamo
    Arthur beamed at Aston, glad he had managed to help his new friend. Looking over at the two wounded he made his way over to them, trying not to glare at Badun as he passed by. "Right you two, lets sit you down somewhere quiet so I can see what we're dealing with. A bit of TLC and you'll be back to your old selves in no time."
    Post by: Elskamo, Apr 17, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Elskamo
    Just as Arthur had feared Badun had done nothing to protect himself from the attacking thugs. On the other hand he had also done nothing to help stop them either. Cursing his decision to try and help the selfish git when he could have helped Anthea or Kevin, Arthur ran forward to help take out the third thug. While he would have liked to check on the two wounded members of their party the group was quickly getting picked off and there would surely be more casualties if he didn't step up and fight.

    Moved up 2 and diagonal left 1 (3AP)
    Dagger attack on Burning Blade Thug (3AP)
    Defensive stance (3AP)

    Total: 9AP
    Post by: Elskamo, Apr 12, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Elskamo
    Arthur was nervous, particularly towards Badun. Whereas the group had fought before and handled themselves well Badun had not been with them and so they had no idea how well he could fight. In any case Arthur's natural reaction to fighting was to help defend others and heal them so he made up his mind to defend Badun, for now at least.

    Moved diagonally up/left twice [not sure how to word it, aiming for the spot in front of Badun]
    Defensive stance
    Post by: Elskamo, Apr 9, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Elskamo
    As soon as Aston said he'd been hit Artie was on him in a flash. The medic knew joining the group was a good choice after all, he may not have been the best fighter but he was a damn good healer. "Sit down Aston and let me take a look at you," turning to the others he asked, "do any of you have some water to spare?" He whipped off his cloak and lay it down for Aston to sit on, no need in getting dirt in any wounds. Checking his bag for supplies he cursed at the lack of equipment he'd brought but at least he had bandages and herbs, those would come in handy. He could always purchase some new equipment on their journey anyhow.

    Waiting for some water he looked over at the man from the tree. He might ask to give him a once over when he was finished helping Aston. Who knew what injuries could have befallen him before the group arrived? He couldn't help but feel a stab of pity for him, being left behind by his 'friends'. Perhaps Aston would consider letting the man travel with them for the meantime.
    Post by: Elskamo, Mar 8, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Elskamo
    To say that Artie was shocked was an understatement. He seemed to have frozen to the spot when the wolves appeared. Shaking his head to snap himself out of his stupor he looked around to see if he could be of any assistance. Baldomar looked as if he too was unprepared for the fight. To his left he could see one of the wolves between them, though whether it was headed for him or Baldy he didn't know. Looking around further he saw that Anthea was trying to help push the wolf away from him. Shouting a thank you to her he moved to action to see if he could defend Baldomar before he got himself hurt.

    Artie did:
    Movement- up left, down left (2AP)
    Defensive stance (3AP)
    Total AP use- 5/13
    Post by: Elskamo, Mar 4, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Elskamo
    Looking at the signpost Artie made a quick decision, "I'd say we should go right." It was the only path that had a marking on the signpost so at the very least there would be something at the end of it.
    Post by: Elskamo, Feb 16, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Elskamo
    Artie sank down in his seat a little; yes, he got a lot of work travelling and healing people but more often than not didn't receive monetary payment. Because many of the people he healed tended to be from poor backgrounds he often declined money. Normally they'd repay his kindness by cooking him a simple meal or letting him stay the night. Unable to offer any gold to cover a better meal he gave a sorry smile to Aston and said to his fellow adventurers, "I am terribly sorry but I don't tend to carry any money on my person. Still I suppose a simple meal is better than no meal, eh?"
    Post by: Elskamo, Feb 3, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Elskamo
    Arthur wiped his mouth with a napkin and began to tidy up after himself. He'd noticed a young woman serving them earlier and found her initiative charming. So what if this Sanderson fellow had hired help? It would only be fair for the would-be adventurers to lend a hand and repay his hospitality.

    Once he was sure he'd cleaned up every nonexistent crumb and spill, Arthur got up from his seat and proceeded to where the leaders had once stood. Whilst he held admiration for Sanderson he couldn't stand hunting, he was after all a healer not a killer. Foraging was more his speed, finding ingredients with which to help others. The woman, he believed he had heard her called Shyra, seemed rather bitter and so that left him with the man, Aston.

    Happy he'd made the right choice, he strode after Aston, curious to find out what adventure awaited him.
    Post by: Elskamo, Jan 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Elskamo
    Level 1 Circle of Healing and Leaf of the Scendrasil for Arthur.
    Post by: Elskamo, Jan 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Elskamo
    I vote East.
    Post by: Elskamo, Jan 10, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Elskamo
    I think I'll sign up for Al's mystery mission. Before I forget can I also join the Skype chat?
    Post by: Elskamo, Jan 5, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Elskamo
    Artie, never being one for big entrances, slipped in quietly and stood near the corner, hands in pockets. He wasn't ready to interact with these strangers just yet. He had always been quite level-headed, taking a step back before taking any action. He would keep watch for a while and observe these other adventurers before making his next move.

    After a few minutes he had gathered that the others were signing their names before heading through into another room. Happy that this was the case Artie made his way to the woman who appeared to be taking the names. When the woman turned to him he simply uttered "Arthur McKinnon." Not wanting to appear unfriendly he gave the woman a small grin before he was ushered into the next room.

    Artie walked into what was clearly the dining room and took a seat close to the head of the table. He was interested in getting to know the man that brought him here.
    Post by: Elskamo, Jan 4, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Elskamo
    The most powerful being ever!
    Status Update by Elskamo, Jan 4, 2016