Recent Content by Effexor

  1. Effexor
    Playing as other Organization members?! *drools* Wait a sec... *leaves* *sees he has a DS* *returns*

    Post by: Effexor, Sep 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Effexor
    I'm going out on a limb with this, but I'll assume what platforms the respective games are;

    Chain of Memories 2 (the lower right picture): DS (Roxas' (and mabey even a little bit of Axel's) story)
    Zero (the top): PSP (I think that you'll go through Mickey's story in this one.)
    The one with the Bald man and Terra (the lower left): PS3 (The Knights' story.)

    I just wanna call the one with the knights "KH: Knights" for now.
    Post by: Effexor, Sep 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Effexor
    Hmm... So the third one is NOT for the PS3, it seems. I don't know how to react to this. I think I should be glad seeing as I'm thinking that some Kingdom Hearts fans (mainly the younger ones, younger as in lower teens. Yes, that includes me somewhat. *is almost 16*) can't really afford a PS3 at the present time. It'll also give hope to (mabey) a Wii sequal.

    However, I don't have a mobile phone, either. Oh well. I'll be happy with Chain of Memories 2.
    Post by: Effexor, Sep 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Effexor
    Why do I have the feeling that the Kingdom Hearts for the PSP will just be a KH1 port?
    Post by: Effexor, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates