Recent Content by Dylan565

  1. Dylan565
    heres mine if i can join.

    name - Caim
    age - 24
    wepon - broad sword.
    personality - cold uncaring but, caring for his little sister.
    race - humane , whos heart is made of nothingness.

    bio- Caim and his little sister Ashly lived in the world called "Destinys Fortress"
    it was a peacful place untill one the heartless invaded and killed about evrybody Caim was a kinght and a guardin to thr king but the king was slaughtered befor Caim could help the only remaining family he had was Ashly and for some strange reason was kidnapped by a man in a black coat. so Caim set off to find his little sister and take revenge on the man in black and the Heartless.
    Post by: Dylan565, Jun 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Dylan565
    Did any one else notice i chain of memories axel faded and came back then in kh2 when roxas beat him he faded then came back and and heading TWTNW he faded so maybe hell come back?
    But if thats true it might be saying when a nobody fades they dont die they just reasemble agein.
    Post by: Dylan565, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Dylan565
    if marios in it i wonder if thed put luigi or yoshi?:confused:
    Post by: Dylan565, May 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone