Recent Content by Duncan Idaho

  1. Duncan Idaho
    Sorry for bumping this thread, but I am having problems with a code. to be specific is the Material and flavor 99, If I have too many commands and I have the code turned on the game will crash whenever I attempt to meld commands. I have a rather large selection as I was saving commands to fuse them for the entire ability repertorie. Any ideas why that particular code is causing this entire mess?

    _L 0x817291BE 0x00080002
    _L 0x10003200 0x00000002
    _L 0x817291E2 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004600 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291F2 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004605 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729202 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004609 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729212 0x00060002
    _L 0x1000460D 0x00000001
    _L 0x8172922A 0x00070002
    _L 0x10004614 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729246 0x00020002
    _L 0x1000461C 0x00000001
    _L 0x8172924E 0x000B0002
    _L 0x10004620 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291C0 0x002F0002
    _L 0x10000063 0x00000000
    _L 0x117291DE 0x0000320F

    Oh and if you need anything to determine the problem please tell me how can I help.

    EDIT: Also could any one tell me the exact combination of digits per character to get all the weapons and lose none? I noticed that the code makes for example rainfall disspear from Aqua's inventory, same goes for vent and Terra's starter keyblades and there are a bunch of spaces between the 'bonus' keyblades too.

    Hmm fruitball court code is not working either.
    Post by: Duncan Idaho, Sep 30, 2014 in forum: Code Vault