Recent Content by Droda

  1. Droda
    Throda Bronzebeard's PoV:

    The clatter of battle washed over Throda, serenading his ears with the ring of steel on steel. All seemed to drift away as he charged towards his foe. The weight of his hammer rested comfortably in his hand. The hammer seemed to purr, as if it could already feel the shattered bones it would forge today. Mustering all the strength in his robust, short legs (never skip leg day), Throda hurtled over the hole in the wall, piling in with all the other Hammers. He roared as they plunged through the breach, brandishing his weapon. The heavy hammer came thundering down on a Shard's head. Throda shoved him aside and continued onward to meet his next opponent. A sword striked against his shield, not scratching the dwarven steel. With a loud "CRUNCH", the warrior smashed his hammer into the enemy soldier, then swung his shield into the man's jaw. Throda's pulse raced as he danced amongst the fray. His shield and hammer found a rhythm and joined the song of battle, an occasional roar the only break in the deadly cadence.
    Post by: Droda, Jul 15, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Droda

    Throda Bronzebeard's PoV:

    Throda was just finishing his breakdance routine when Ashleigh's voice came through. He made his way through the partying soldiers, receiving many pats on the back as he did so. Throda fumbled with the headset before jamming it on his head, barely making out the demi-god's words over the bass-infused rap music.
    "I see. Looks like we'll be landing," Throda sent back. Throda watched as the shuttle smashed into the gate, missing the AA cannon. He grimaced, already feeling the soreness in his short legs.
    "Well lads," the dwarf roared, overpowering the music, "looks like we're taking a hike." The soldiers' groans were cut short by the patter of bullets hitting the shuttle.

    "Sir, we appear to be taking fire, the cannon is unable to reach us from here but if we proceed..."
    "Alright, bring us down out of that gun's reach." The three shuttles did a u-turn and headed back a little ways before extending landing gear and settling on the ground.
    "Alright boys! The early bird gets the most skulls cleaved in!" The soldiers roared in confused agreement.
    Throda raised his weapon into the air, "HAMMERS!" A resounding cry of "Hammers" was returned. Busting out from the shuttle's door, with a roar of his own, Throda led the men into the fray.​
    Post by: Droda, May 23, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Droda
    Throda Bronzebeard's PoV:

    What a nap. Throda groggrily fumbled for the incessant alarm clock, the piercing noise threatening to break down the thick skull surrounding a "delicate" mind. The beeping was finally silenced, and the Hammer's were down another alarm clock. "Damn human engineering," Throda said, inspecting the shattered remains of the despicable device. A hefty groan accompanied him as he stood up and surveyed the room. Smacking his mouth, the dwarf rubbed the sleep from his eyes and exited his quarters. Throda adjusted his armour as he walked down the hall, whistling a tune. He passed a young soldier and accosted the man, "Lad, what's going on here. What 'ave I missed?" The Hammer explained the situation and continued on his way, wincing from an overzealous pat on the back.

    Throda marched straight into the bridge, throwing Theodosia a quick wave. "Where's that button that lets me talk to everybody?" A startled operator pointed to a button labeled "Talk to Everyone Button". After taking a moment to admire the creativity of the title, Throda landed an armoured fist upon the button. "Alright you sons of bitches. I'm bored and there's a fight going down. If anyone else is feeling the same, meet me in the hanger. We're leaving soon. Soldiers only." Throda started towards the door but soon returned to the button, "Also I need a new alarm clock. Make it cool. Anyways, hanger." Throda flashed Theodosia a cheeky grin before exiting the bridge. A soldier offered him a high-five as he entered the hanger. Throda returned it before addressing the gathered warriors, "Alright you crazy bastards. We're headed to a warzone. Let's go." As he turned to enter the shuttle a timid voice called out: "Sir, what's the plan of attack." Throda turned to the amassed soldiers and shouted, "Plan of attack? We hit them harder than they hit us." The soldiers cheered wildly and Throda beat his breastplate.

    Three shuttles full of soldiers exited the Valiant, headed towards Asleigh's advancing army. "Get me Asleigh," Throda told one of the operators flying the shuttle. With a few bee-bops Throda was patched in. "Miss Conductress. This is Throda Bronzebeard. I'm headed to your position with three shuttles of overhyped soldiers. I'm told an AA gun defends the outpost. Is there a plan for dismantling it? I really despise running."
    Post by: Droda, May 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Droda
    Throda Bronzebeard's PoV:

    Throda handed Kala a Snickers, "Here, take this, you're not you when you're hungry."
    Post by: Droda, Feb 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Droda
    Throda Bronzebeard's PoV:

    The stout dwarf had again risen his shield, in a well-practiced motion, ready to embrace the firery wrath which was hurtling towards him. Predictably, the gallant commander stepped in and worked some hippity-joopity, blasting away the flames. Throda grunted, "Fancy."

    Shouldering his shield, Throda followed behind Jayce. The dwarf's heavy footsteps found the cadence of the commander's limping pace. Reaver's pain manifested itself in laboured breaths. Throda continued, at a respectful distance. Man this guy is out of shape! The earth-lover glanced at his short legs, perhaps he wasn't better off. As they ventured on to the control room, Throda slung around his shield and grasped his hammer's leather-bound hilt, who could say what nasty surprises the Shards had embedded in the tower. Finding none and observing the control room to be under Hammer control, he moved his shield to rest against his armoured back. The mighty dwarf weapon was returned to his belt in a loose state. Very loose.

    Throda took a moment to appreciate the tower's weapon, quite impressive. The crystal was suspect, dwarves favored explosives to arcane blasts, but Throda had to admire the smooth combination of mechanics and magic. "Finally found some decent engineers in this land," he said, his eyes drinking in all the metal-ly goodness found in the turrets powerful design. "This kind of machinery could end a war!" A convenient shuttle raced in front of the weapon, filled with the most powerful warriors in the enemies armies. "Well that's coincidental!" Throda exclaimed, a slight grin splitting the sea of facial hair.

    Yet despite this obvious gift, Jayce would not fire. "Commander, this is not an opportunity often given in war. We possess a weapon to take down flying things, and look, there's a flying thing that just happens to hold our most dangerous enemy. I, uh, I think we should fire, Reaver." The words washed over Jayce, he had other motives. Throda had a good guess as to what they were, as did Ashleigh it seemed, and she did not find them worthy. Throda was inclined to agree, which put him in a difficult spot, and the Hammers as a whole. Especially Jayce Reaver. Here was a trusted general, a cousin no less, intentionally disobeying the leader of the Hammers, in front of his very face.

    Now a choice had to be made, and a rather perplexing one. Throda prided himself on his loyalty and his combat abilities. These two staple parts of Throda's psych were locked in a mental battle. Throda had no doubts that firing the weapon was the correct choice for the war. Surely Jayce knew this, Rose's capture must be his only deterrent. Perhaps the demi-god had another motive, perhaps not. Throda could only assume.

    "By Moradin's luscious beard, I hope this is worth it you demi-god báštárđ." Throda muttered, as his short, sinewy legs sprang into action. The armoured juggernaut whistled twice as he hurtled towards Anthem. Lowering his shoulder, the dwarf smashed into the metal musical monstrosity, employing all the delicate techniques for tackling giant metal things he had learned at the Academy.
    Post by: Droda, Feb 9, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Droda
    Throda Bronzebeard's PoV:

    Throda raised his shield and blocked the scythe. The juggernaut grunted as the explosion knocked him back. His short legs were of no aid in a retreat. Not much of a dwarf was useful in a retreat, whether the dwarf in question was fleeing or his enemy was. No, chasing was for taller, more lightly armoured people.

    Throda frowned, a victory was won, but Carissa was making a speedy exit.
    "Reaver, have we captured all of this tower? Er, specifically the part that shoots flying objects?"
    Hammer soldiers were covering all ground exits, the only place left for the Shards to run to was the air. If this tower was designed to shoot down all aircraft... Poetic justice seemed to be right around the corner.
    Post by: Droda, Jan 17, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Droda
    Throda Bronzebeard's PoV:

    Throda growled as he plunged into the black flames, the heat engulfing the short figure. Enroaching on the Shards, hellfire held strong in his left hand, Throda's foray was paused by a torrent of fire, spewing from behind him. Throda barely turned and raised his shield before the wrathful essence passed over him. His reactions not fast enough, the dwarf made frantic motions to quench the small fire upon his magnificent beard. The only damage was a few singed hairs, enough to drive any dwarf into a startling rage. Throda's eyes filled with the very substance he'd been attacked with. Throda's pace slowed as he reached the end of the hallway.

    He positioned himself on the right side of the three combatants, where (I think) the exit to the battlements were. This tower would either serve the Hammers, or burn. With a powerful yell, Throda swung his hammer straight at the left leg of Onamakritos, then shoving himself forward on his right side, shield bashing the fire magician.
    Post by: Droda, Jan 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Droda
    Throda Bronzebeard's PoV:

    The proud warrior coughed, "Ah yes, quite right. These numbers would just clog up the narrow battlements." Hopefully no one would know he actually meant the five of them when he was trying to count.
    Just kidding, he's smarter than that.
    Throda's mind resembled a mighty stone wall, simple but strong. A good artisan might view this wall in a different light. For though this wall did nothing but stand, it only stood by the cooperation of thousands scintillas of rock, together for a united cause. Yes, this cause was simple, Justice, Honor, Strength, Camaraderie, Stalwart, Revelry. These words lined the wall, written by the formation of rock. They were not chisled, or forced into being. They were forged by the wall, they were the wall.

    Throda entered behind Jayce and watched, unable to interfere, as the soldiers made a hurried exit. "They'll be ready Reaver, but they'll be scared." Throda pointed his hammer at the downed Shard's body, "We're here and we won't be leaving until our tour is complete." Throda twirled his hammer deftly, "The Shards have opened hell, they will exit this world through the door they themselves created." Throda sniffed, "That was damn near poetic. Nobody remember that."
    Post by: Droda, Jan 11, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Droda
    Throda Bronzebeard's PoV:

    The dwarf cheered alongside the other men, inspired by their glorious leader. "Blood n' guts boy, blood n' guts!" Throda laughed primally. He turned to exit the basement when he was accosted by a large creature who seemed to lack common courtesy. The threatening stance was not lost on the dwarf, but Throda decided to ignore it anyways. "Good to meet you, that was quite impressive, that, uh, sound you made." Throda awkwardly smiled, "well that interaction was weird..."
    He made a mental note that the armoured figure had failed to check his surroundings before entering the room. Amateur.

    The lady from the bridge finally spoke up, despite her status as a secretary, Throda had noted she did appear to be doing fine amidst the discord of the battlezone. She made a suggestion to Jayce, that he should engage "Carissa" in single combat. Whoever that was, mission briefings were for pansies. Just kidding kids, stay in mission briefing meetings, those are important. "An interesting idea for sure, but perhaps we might end the battle quicker if all..." Throda attempted to count the people in the room but quickly gave up, "if all ... er, of us attack her and end her quickly. We should be able to overcome her in a matter of minutes, based on the situation on those battlements. From there we can sweep up the remains of Shards who are still fighting."
    Post by: Droda, Jan 10, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Droda
    Throda Bronzebeard's PoV:

    As the stocky dwarf was entering the tower, an explosion threw him sideways. Snarling, Throda pushed himself back onto his feet. "Somebody take those projectiles out! Some of us aren't talented vertically." This was the closest Throda would ever get to calling himself short. He slung his shield upon his back and was about to enter the tower when he heard a wrathful racket behind him. A young soldier was charging towards him, axe held high, all the while screaming at the top of his longs. The Hammer soldiers moved to intercept, but Throda waved them off. With a casual swing, he deflected the soldier's swing and grabbed his collar, pulling him in close.
    "I like yer style lad," he said with a gruff grin, "the art of surprise is for pansies."
    The befuddled young Shard was at a loss.
    "Keep up the good work boy! Practice makes perfect!" Throda shot him a friendly wink.
    A confused smile began to spread across the young man's face...
    Then his eyes rolled back in his head, Throda's head making heavy contact with the much younger warrior.
    The kindly dwarf set him to the side, hopefully out of harm's way and entered the tower.
    Throda looked around the room, which resembled a basement. An ancient basement, he thought, brushing a cobweb out of his face. "Well, start at the bottom I suppose, then make our way up. Worked for my father, pretty well." Throda chuckled. He continued to peruse through the dilapidated room while Jayce spoke to Vasher and The Black Rose. "Blast doors eh?" he asked, stroking his beard, "that actually does sound a bit tricky. Not all doors can be knocked down I guess," Throda lied. You just need a big enough hammer. "Well I, speaking for all of us, am tired of this scenery. And I may not be the best at, err, stealth takedowns, but I can still open a door." The dwarf picked up a large barrel, hoisting it above his head and hurling it at the basement door with a mighty roar.
    He turned back to Jayce and the soldiers, a devilish grin on his face.
    "The art of surprise is for pansies."
    Post by: Droda, Jan 8, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Droda
    Throda Bronzebeard's PoV:

    Throda raised his shield and sent a bullet ricocheting into the dust of battle. The wall was slowly advancing, and were getting rather close to the tower. Throda blocked a strike before smacking his hammer cleanly into the man's head. Kicking him back, Throda whipped around, smashing his heavy weapon into the hipbone of another soldier, then following with a hit to the face. Throda looked around for an opponent when he spied something on the base of the tower. "Is that..."

    Throda whistled sharply, "Reaver! Our hosts have made the way for us!" He gestured towards the opening. A couple of swings and that'll make an excellent door for our soldiers. "It'd be rude to ignore their courtesy!" He yelled with a grin. "Warriors to me, we will pave the way to Sky Tower!" Leading his squadron, Throda broke the shield wall and plunged into the fray, with Jayce's support they should break through quickly and breach the tower through the large hole.
    Post by: Droda, Jan 4, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Droda
    Throda Bronzebeard's PoV:

    Throda smiled fiercly at Jayce, before returning the ale to his hip. Throda slowly broke into a sprint and slung his shield unto his right arm. Holstering it high, Throda heard the "ping" of a bullet as it bounced off the dwarven steel. "Shards will be a fitting title for these welps when we are done with them!" Throda roared, pounding his hammer against his shield. The men around him yelled their agreement, hitting their own shields. Throda charged the tower, leading a squadron of soldiers behind him. The Juggernaut hit the enemy troops hard, shield bashing the first two he saw. A devastating hit to one's knee quickly ended the Shard's dreams of becoming a pro athlete. Or, you know, walking. Catching an axe on his shield Throda span around, driving his hammer deep into the man's stomach.
    Deflecting a spear thrust, Throda was left offbalanced and a shot from the above soldiers smashed into his exposed back. Grunting from the impact, the warrior glared at the battlements, his face contorting into a look that might curdle milk. Probable.
    "You men focus the battlements. Those remaining form up with me, we will hold the enemy's advances. We need those gunners down before breaching the tower. Give 'em hell lads."
    The soldiers, inspired by the dwarf's ferocity, shouted their compliance. Throda and the remaining soldiers stood side-by-side, forming a shield wall. The Shards struck hard, but the wall held. Roaring into the face of an oncoming Shard, Throda caught the man's sword swing on his shield. With a thunderous bellow, the juggernaut smashed the soldier's sword with his hammer. Shattering it into... shards. A wicked upward stroke of Throda's weapon sent the enemy combatant flying. The powerful warrior parried a thrust from another soldier with his hammer, before swinging his shield directly into the man's skull.
    Throda whipped around, hearing the cry of a friendly soldier as a projectile ripped through his chest. The assault on the battlements was not going favorably for his fellow warriors.
    "Hammers, rally to me!" Throda yelled, his well-exercised vocal chords rising over the chaos of battle. "Form up and advance on my tempo!"
    The Juggernaut slowly began to close the gap between them and the tower, Hammer soldiers joining the shield wall as they forced the Shards backwards. The advance on the tower should attract the gunners attention, lessening the fire on the Hammer soldiers who were focus firing the battlements.
    Post by: Droda, Jan 4, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Droda

    Throda Bronzebeard's PoV:

    Ado "Initial assault eh?" the dwarf said, slowly walking backwards, while facing Jayce. "That sounds fun. Say, how about I lead the initial assault, and you can lead the assault?" Winking mischievously, Throda spun around and hurled his hammer, smashing a dwarf-sized window. "EULALIA!"
    With this cry the Juggernaut smashed through the remaining glass. The wind whipped at his long hair and magnificent beard, making him appear as a majestic eagle, soaring over its territory. A very large eagle. Very large. Grabbing his hammer midair, Throda used its weight to whip around, a mighty roar ripping from is throat as he swung his hammer straight into the ground, shockwaves rippling outwards. The poor Shards scouts barely had time to say "Is that-"
    Throda stood up. "Human skulls crack easily."
    He took a long drink from his flask.
    "I like that."
    Post by: Droda, Jan 2, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Droda
    Throda Bronzebeard's PoV:

    Leaving behind a wreckage of straw men and bruised green boys, Throda exited the training room. "Keep up the good work lads, lead with the elbow." The exhausted trainees managed a slight nod. Holding his mirth within, along with his destructive nature, the dwarf resumed his path to the bridge. A familiar robotic voice called out, "Commencing landing sequence." Throda froze. A wild grin embroidered his chiseled face. A deep laugh slowly made its way through the juggernaut's mighty throat. Chanting an old dwarven battle song, his pace resumed. Throda's hammer danced like fire between his hands, gradually increasing speed with the song's tempo, till it was a blur. Obfuscating the passer-bys, Throda continued his walk, entering the bridge.
    Post by: Droda, Jan 1, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Droda
    Throda Bronzebeard's PoV:

    Thorda idly walked around the bridge, slowly swinging his hands back and forth in a bored way. He left his unanswered question to linger in the air. He eyed the bridge's occupants, glancing over them before landing his gaze on Theodosia. That was her name correct? Throda assumed so, he stroked his beard, trying to remember who exactly she was. The best he came up with was "Pen Girl." Throda finally headed for the exit, "Let me know when we've landed. I'll be... I'll... uh. I'll be around." With a mischevious wink, the dwarf exited the bridge. "Thank Moradin this one doesn't have those rediculous buttons." Throda passed by the cleaning crew who was puzzling over a broken door. "How did this happen?"
    Throda drew his hammer and casually twirled it, chuckling quietly, "Give it a doorhandle this time."
    The startled crew turned around but Throda was already gone, walking down the hall, throwing his hammer up and down. As he perused the ship, he noticed an odd corridor. Throda continued down this hall, whistling to himself. "Far over the..." He trailed off as the hallway grew into a massive room, with a weird glowing construct in the middle of it. Over the pillar-like object read: "Highly Important Reactor Core." The dwarf was entirely alone in this room. He inspected the object, feeling the power flowing from it. The hammer-expert hurled his weapon as far up as the large room allowed, before catching it behind his back, the hammer narrowly missing the object which powered the entire aircraft. "Hmmm. You'd suppose they'd have at least one person here. Ah well." Throda exited the room, resuming his song and the hypnotic twirling of his hammer.
    Post by: Droda, Dec 31, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home