Recent Content by drew_DX

  1. drew_DX
    Ms. Spooks' PoV: Ms. Spooks nodded at Ashleigh's comments. Before she could respond, however, a man burst into the room. An outburst from both sides occurred, ending in Ashleigh storming off. "W-Wait...!" She was too late. Turning to the one she assumed was Jayce Reaver, Ms. Spooks bowed courteously. "A-Ah, excuse me, Mr. Reaver, I presume. I am indeed here to ask you about peace, but perhaps now isn't the time...? Oh, and how rude of me! I am Ms. Spooks. It's an honor to meet you."
    Post by: drew_DX, Mar 5, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. drew_DX
    Ms. Spooks' PoV: "Ahh, I see. I'd heard bits and pieces about this war throughout my secluded life. Thank you for briefly explaining it!." Ms. Spooks paused, and yet again looked out towards the tower that had been a battlefield not long ago. The slightest hint of what could only be frustration, or anger, took over Ms. Spooks' face for a moment. She clenched her hands, and looked back at Ashleigh. She spoke without raising her voice at all, yet her tone was void of the tranquility that most were accustomed to hearing. "I want to avoid as much bloodshed as possible, Ms. Reaver. I want to end this war peacefully. I know it's not probable, but I will try my hardest. Please, understand my cause. I will try my hardest to convince Jayce, and I will try my hardest to come up with some sort of plan. I simply lack the mind of a tactician. If I cannot convince him, I will gladly hear your alternate idea. Anything to avoid this war escalating too far."
    Post by: drew_DX, Feb 26, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. drew_DX
    Ms. Spooks' PoV: Ms. Spooks immediately stopped playing at Ashleigh's comments. Without breaking her composure, Ms. Spooks smiled at her. "It's not forced tranquility. You have every option to not be peaceful. My music simply helps." Ms. Spooks looked up at the large ship, and then in the direction of the tower where the Shards once resided. She took in a deep breath, and looked back at Asheigh, who was heading into the ship. "Ms. Reaver, please excuse my rudeness. I just...would very much like to help stop this war, without violence. Is that too much to ask? I'm not sure I know enough to validly say much about this war, and as to who is right or wrong. That is why I would like to talk to you, and ask you more about just why you must war with the Shards. I want to know your reasons for hostility towards them. I'd like to understand. Please? If it pleases you, I shall keep the harmonica away." Ms. Spooks slipped her harmonica back into her pouch and began walking after Ashleigh.
    Post by: drew_DX, Feb 15, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. drew_DX
    Ms. Spooks' PoV: "Why, I have a goal right now. And that goal is to settle dispute so that no one will get hurt anymore, and so that neither side-" Ms. Spooks was interrupted as Veera dashed off on her own and Ashleigh seemed suddenly stressed out. "Uh-um... Ms. Reaver? Is everything alright? Please, let the Shards go. I plan to talk to them too some day, so that in the end this argument can be settled. Please? Perhaps this will help, seeing you liked it earlier." Ms. Spooks pulled her harmonica back out and brought it to her mouth. A beautiful, tranquil melody poured from it, filling the air with peace. Taking a breath from her music, "I hope it wouldn't be rude to ask if we could go inside soon? I really would like to sit down and properly talk with you and anyone else whom would like to talk. Perhaps I could bake everyone something sweet as well?"
    Post by: drew_DX, Feb 8, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. drew_DX
    Ms. Spooks' PoV: Ms. Spooks smiled at Ashleigh as she continued playing her song. The girl and robot seemed to be getting ready to leave, and Ashleigh had called for her comrades to return to the ship. Ms. Spooks seemed to have been able to stop the conflict. Ms. Spooks stopped playing, and turned to Ashleigh. "I hope that was alright of me. I do not believe fighting is the answer. In fact, that is the big reason I requested to talk to you and your comrades. If you would please allow me to have you and your comrades' audience sometime soon." Ms. Spooks gave Ashleigh a little bow, and put her harmonica in her pouch.
    Post by: drew_DX, Jan 28, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. drew_DX
    Ms. Spooks: "Stop! All of you!" Ms. Spooks was quick to react when a newcomer appeared out of nowhere and attacked. After watching what happened to one of the guards, she had an idea of what this girl could do. In fluid motion, as if she'd done this many times before, she stepped between Veera and the girl's hand and grabbed Veera's arm. A translucent bubble that shimmered in the sunlight sprang up around her and Veera, blocking out attacks. With her free hand, she pulled a small harmonica out of her belt pouch. It was simple, only decorated with a few pretty swirls of gold paint. Yet, it sparkled with some sort of magic. She brought it up to her mouth, and smiled. "I can make music too." She blew into the harmonica, gently, as if blowing into it too hard might make it crumble in her hand. A beautiful, slow, and simple song trickled out, almost in audible at first, but it quickly grew into a loud, powerful song that sent feeling of tranquility through those who heard it. She would resolve this without bloodshed or fighting. Her Melody of Tranquility rarely failed to bring sense to the enraged, and if what she'd seen in that girl's eyes before they'd gone cold, then Ms. Spooks knew there was peace to be found deep within the aggressor.
    Post by: drew_DX, Jan 21, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. drew_DX
    Ms. Spooks' PoV: "Oh my, YOU are the daughter of Nighthawk? Please, Ms. Reaver, excuse my impoliteness. I should have assumed from your attire and apparent authority that you were someone of as great of power as you! It is my pleasure to be in your presence, truly." Ms. Spooks bowed. The trick to solving a complicated, messy argument was to truly and honestly befriend both sides, see things from both side's point of views, and then determine a course of action from there. Ashleigh had just given her permission to accompany her back to the Hammer's airship to speak! "Ahh, thank you! I'm honored you'll have me." Ms. Spooks bowed politely, and stepped into line behind Ashleigh. Her visible eye gleamed a bright gold. She was taking the first step to try and solve this long, awful argument and war.
    Post by: drew_DX, Jan 15, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. drew_DX
    Ms. Spooks' PoV: Ms. Spooks looked at everyone in front of her. Perhaps she'd accidentally gotten herself involved in something bad? The one lady who'd appeared seemed to be hostile, although Ms. Spooks hadn't done anything. Perhaps she'd gotten too close. The man put a hand on what looked like a gun, and spoke out that he was unaffiliated with combat. "I am unaffiliated as well! All I've come to do is help settle this argument in whatever means possible! By the looks of you, am I correct in assuming you ARE affiliated in the battle that is taking place? Might I be taken to your leader when they are available? I would like to ask him some questions, so I can better understand the situation and thus better develop some sort of solution? Oh! And how rude of me! I am Ms. Spooks." Ms. Spooks smiled with genuine kindness. She raised her hands in the air to prove she had no weapons on her.
    Post by: drew_DX, Jan 13, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. drew_DX
    Ms. Spooks' PoV:

    Blast, she'd come just a bit too late it seemed. Ms. Spooks could hear the sounds of war going on in the direction of Sky Tower. If only she hadn't spent that extra hour baking a pie before she left the bakery. She'd wanted to arrive before violence ensued, and perhaps mediate a peaceful end to this before blood was shed. As she continued to walk along, the noises of battle getting louder and louder, she came across two people. One of them had long, golden hair, and she was quite pretty. The man odd looking fellow, but she wasn't one to judge. Who were these people?
    "Excuse me!" she called out to them, hurriedly jogging over to them. "Excuse me, Miss and Sir, erm, my name is Ms. Spooks! May I please ask you some things? Or am I interrupting something? Eep! Please excuse me if I am!" Ms. Spooks bowed politely, hoping she hadn't disturbed them from anything important. Her soothing aura radiated a little stronger as she bowed, in hopes she wouldn't aggravate them in any way.
    Post by: drew_DX, Jan 11, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. drew_DX
    Name: Ms. Sally Spooks (Although she much prefers to be just called "Ms. Spooks)
    Title: Ms.
    Faction (Order of The Hammer, The Shards of Hope or neither): Neither
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Ms. Spooks is very kind, calm and relaxed 99% of the time. She's often called upon by locals when a dispute needs settling, as she very rarely likes to take sides and instead tries to solve an issue as peacefully and fairly as possible. She's very smart, although she can be a little naive and air-headed at times. That rare, 1% of the time however, is not pretty. Every once in a long while, Ms. Spooks may lose her temper and crack, in which she releases her full power upon those who can't seem to settle their argument no matter what she does, to the point where they begin to hurt many others in said argument. She also has a major sweet tooth and absolutely loves to eat.
    Weapons: While Ms. Spooks rarely uses them for combat, she does indeed carry two steel knives on her at all times, though they're more often used for cutting cake than flesh. She also carries a magical harmonica that can play 3 different types of magical melodies.
    Armour: Ms. Spooks wear no true armor, however her race developed skin highly resistant to physical strikes and blows. A sword may cut her skin, but the wound is rarely very deep, and often heals before any true damage is done.

    Abilities (passive and active):
    Thick Skin: As stated above, Ms. Spook's skin is naturally tough and can take a beating from most physical strikes. She's been known to stop potentially lethal arguments before by grabbing the blades of swords and pulling them away. Magic, flame, explosives, etc, is much more effective at hurting her.
    Soothing Aura: Ms. Spooks radiates an aura that will often soothe and calm petty and simple arguments just by her being present. It will not stop extremely passionate or complicated arguments.

    Tranquil Melody: When this relaxing song is played from her harmonica, Ms. Spooks can soothe and calm aggravated and heated opponents. While it will not stop a fight or solve problems, it may allow for peace long enough for Ms. Spooks to step in and try to settle things peacefully.
    Nightmare Melody: This song is much more frightening, fast pace, and can induce horrifying visions and illusions to those who hear it. The effect is broken, however, as soon as the victim recognizes the illusion as fake; which often happens after a few seconds to those locked in combat, but may take longer to those not expecting an attack.
    Spirits Melody: A light, happy song to raise the moral, spirits, and energy of those who Ms. Spooks wishes to hear it, in true D&D bardic fashion. While it will not allow someone passed out to get back up and fight with full strength, or someone collapsed to their knees to stand back up and continue swordplay, but it may give that slight energy boost necessary to deliver one more blow to an opponent who thinks they've won the fight, or enough strength to roll away from a finishing blow, allowing someone else to step in.
    Seeds of Sapping: One of three of her race's active abilities, Ms. Spooks can materialize seeds that, when thrown, will sprout vines that ensnare a victim and then proceed to sap that victim of their strength and energy, transferring it to Ms. Spooks. She only uses these in self defense or when enraged.
    Shield: The second of three of her race's active abilities, Ms. Spooks has the ability to create a translucent bubble around herself and anyone she touches, that will protect against any sort of attack until it has sustained sufficient damage, from which it will shatter.
    Will-O-Wisp: Ms. Spooks' third race ability, Will-O-Wisp allows her to create and control a floating, orb of flame that on contact will deliver hash, stinging burns. As with Seeds of Sapping, she only uses this ability against other creatures when enraged or in self defense. Otherwise, she only uses it to light her stove for baking.
    Shadow Maul: An ability inherited by her father, only when enraged or when at her last resort to save someone will she use this powerful ability. Her arms become cloaked in shadowy darkness, and can extend and slash and deliver crushing blows, and to touch can deliver a burn like that of Will-O-Wisp. Her shadowy claws can attack rapidly and brutally, ripping apart unprepared opponents.

    Strengths: Ms. Spooks is very tough against physical blows, she is very calm and smart and is very good at ending arguments peacefully. When enraged, her power can be quite scary. Her songs are also very effective for an area of effect.
    Weaknesses: Ms. Spooks can take a sword blade much better than a bullet or magical blast of flame or electricity. Her kindness and determination to be peaceful can be abused. She also has a huge sweet tooth/appetite and thus is the the most physically fit, and can sometimes be tempted with a yummy treat.

    History: Born half of a rare race that lies hidden away in a remote valley in the mountains, half human, Ms. Spooks grew up around a very peaceful people. Her mother, one of the rare race, raised her in a small village within the remote valley, teaching her to always be kind, and to hold her temper even when angry or frustrated, as such qualities would help her in life. Ms. Spooks really only ever knew her mother, as she's only met her father once as a young child, when he dropped by to see her mom. The only two things she could remember about him was his messy black hair and one golden eye, and one red eye. Her mom called him Kai. As Ms. Spooks grew up, she was taught how to make a garden, and soon she'd grow her own food, bake her own sweets, and soon grew a huge sweet tooth and gained some weight. She became known throughout her village as being the mediator of any argument that popped up. After several months of hard work, she even managed to restore friendship and ties between the neighboring village. She was loved by all. Until one night, everything changed. A drunk man, the apprentice of the local wizard, stumbled out of the tavern as Ms. Spooks and her mother were walking by. Ms. Spooks' mother walked over to try and guide the man back inside, when the man shot a bolt of lightning straight through her. Ms. Spooks' mother dropped immediately, smoking. Horrified, Ms. Spooks blacked out. When she woke up, buildings were on fire and mutilated bodies laid before her. Her arms were covered in a shadowy darkness shaped into long, jagged claws. Her hands were stained with blood. When she put two and two together, she vomited. She heard voices crying out, sounding closer and closer. And so she ran. Ms. Spooks ran back to her home and grabbed her belongings. She ran out of the village she'd known her whole life. She ran up the mountain that hid her home from the rest of the world. Out of breath, she camped out for the night, unable to fathom what had happened. The next morning, she left for the nearest town, resolving to do everything in her power to continue with her mother's teaching of peace and kindness, and to spread it as far and wide as she could and put what happened into her past as soon as possible. And thus, she was able to start up her own tavern in a town and get her life back on track. And so she gained a reputation again, as the mediator, and she lived peacefully once again, eating yummy cake every day and solving arguments between villagers. However, there was one argument she still wished to solve. One of the most famous in history. If she could solve it, then she'd finally be at rest with her promise to spread peace for her mother.
    Other: I'm BAAAAAACK :D

    Note: Only just now noticed a character above who also uses music with different affects x-x I swear I didn't read that beforehand and Ms. Spooks' melodies were my own ideas D: If they are a problem lemme know and I'll change them, but I hope they're different enough and if you want to know where the inspiration came from for her melodies just ask me, Xan! ^-^
    Post by: drew_DX, Jan 11, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home