Recent Content by Dreamkiller

  1. Dreamkiller
    Hmmm...alright, I'll try it later to see if it works better.

    No, it was the second code in the Ability Mods section on the first page...which should be fixed....
    Post by: Dreamkiller, Jan 19, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Dreamkiller

    I have a question, about the huge finish code...whenever I use it, for codebreaker and for ARMAX, I always end up with 6 Upper Slash's...which has no effect since you only need one. I was wondering if there was a code to actually have six finishing plus's(I think there is, and if so, can you point the way?)
    Post by: Dreamkiller, Jan 19, 2009 in forum: Code Vault