I'm not feeling too well at the moment. Only because I went to a family friend's wake today. It's my hairstylist's husband and my mother's friend from highschool. He died of brain cancer and I'm crying but I didn't even know the guy that well. I believe that death has had a long term effect on me because this town I live in has had a lot of death happen in the past five years, I remember a few like a girl in highschool that died of a asthma attack at a track meeting, and my friend's brother who died of cancer two years ago, now this. I didn't even know these people at all just who they were, and yet I still cry for them.
And school has become harder too knowing the fact that in a few weeks school will be out for summer. So, all the classes are trying to get projects and other things done, it's stressing me out a lot and I've been so tired too, to think that I get the proper eight hours of sleep and yet I'm still tired.
I don't feel like sleeping right now because of all these emotions in me. Can anyone help?