Recent Content by DiZenchanted

  1. DiZenchanted
    This game was zetta awesome! :D

    And even though I used his terrible slang, I must admit that Sho Minamimoto was and still is my least favorite. Joshua used to be, but he somehow grew on me. HOW is that possible? AHHH! He was so irritating.

    Neku was my favorite. I don't know why, but I just found him so hilarious.
    "Must...resist...emo...urges!" :xp: I also really liked Rhyme, even though you only get to see her for about a minute and a half total throughout the game. Even when she's *SPOILER* in Noise form, which was flat-out adorable.*END SPOILER* She's just soooo cute! :D I feel kinda sorry for her, though, because her entry fee was non-refundable and... yeah...

    The secret ending was pretty disappointing, as well as the reports. We didn't get to hear ANYTHING new, they just basically explained a little more about Joshua and Mr. H. They could've done much better.

    And was anyone else disappointed that they didn't get to see all of Shiki's face at the end?
    Post by: DiZenchanted, Jul 2, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  2. DiZenchanted

    Roxas, Axel, Larxene, and Marluxia.

    Either that, or Larxene and Marluxia would be switched out with Zexion and Demyx. xD
    Post by: DiZenchanted, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. DiZenchanted

    I read this and had the spaz attack to end all spaz attacks.
    I mean, it was crazy! And I had planned to go to this, too... >_<

    So...much...information... O_O

    I officially love you guys. -_-

    Oh, and about Roxas and the White Rabbit?

    Yeah, I can already hear the fanfics being written... -_-
    Post by: DiZenchanted, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. DiZenchanted
    I lost mine, too. :/ I hope I find it soon, although there's plenty of time to find them in time to play this game. ^.^
    Post by: DiZenchanted, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. DiZenchanted
    Marluxia: I'm a vegan!!
    Sora: It must suck to be you, then.
    Marluxia: HOW DARE YOU!
    Sora: OW! You don't have to screa- AHH! *Cursed*


    Marluxia: I'm going to curse you with a bad mental image....
    Sora: NOOOOO!!
    Marluxia: Axel in a string bikini...
    Sora: AHHHHHHH! *cursed*
    Marluxia: Oh crap.... NOW I CAN PICTURE IT! *cursed*

    Meh, I'm out of ideas. So sue me.
    Post by: DiZenchanted, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. DiZenchanted
    I live near Yokohama, and I was thinking about going. It's only about 45 minutes or so away from where I live...
    If I get to go, I'll try and post something. :)
    Post by: DiZenchanted, Sep 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates