pweeese anyone on? i need some codes Well mabey someone could send these codes to me by email? God damnit I checked Everywhere for them!!!! I can't find them! Room mods: Castle Oblivion, organization chairs, destiny island. Party member codes, first battle xemnas, final battle Xemnas, barbossa, weird codes: make all the enimies attack fast(xaldin put a video on youtube.) And ultimate sephiroth. It'd be great if you could reply or send by email. (my email)
ummm hello i'm just checkin to see if anyones on.. i'm new here anyone? i need some codes hey mistokibbles is on!
Codes please PLEASE!!! All I ask for is the codes For AR MAX!!!! First battle xemnas, final xemnas, playable riku, Super sora, and the thing where everybody else is like super sora. Pleaase i despretly need these codes.....