Recent Content by Digitalgirl

  1. Digitalgirl
    That Keyblade looks really tiny, but I still want it O.O....
    Post by: Digitalgirl, May 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Digitalgirl
    Dattebayo had already translated ep. 3 by the time I noticed Shippudden had started. It was weird how they started with the scene where they meet Sasuke again, but I think it was to use the "hype"...aka "omg!, it's Sasuke!!111". [ He's been gone for so long and has such a dif. attitude that I don't like him anymore, and I still became a Sasuke fangirl again -_- ...darn hype.] After the 80[+?] episodes of filler, 2 or 3 of which I watched when they first started, the show is really looking promising again. The animation and music isn't bad either, so Naruto Shippudden = really good thing.
    Post by: Digitalgirl, Mar 5, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga