But, based on the story there, Lexaeus is by far the strongest. Riku can't even technically beat him. He wears him down, goes in for the kill, and gets smashed into the ceiling. Then, Riku is controlled by Ansem, catches Lexaeus off guard and manages to kill him.
NOTE: I have only played through Re:CoM in reverse/rebirth and normal and the regular CoM, Sora's story. (I do know that it is a little different in CoM for the GBA
Auron, because he basically dominates everyone with one arm. And he plays a darn good anti-hero-type role.
Cloud was awesome, but he didnt really do as much as i would have desired. (but he is better than he was in KH1)
From Left: Axel, Roxas, and Xion
Namine (pretty similar to Xion, right?)
Ven (pretty similar to Roxas, right?)
Personally, I think that there is some connection between Sora, Roxas, and Ven that lies deeper than family or some of the other theories that I have heard.
Considering the second 358/2 trailer, the one featuring Xion, I think that there is somehow a third, fourth really, entity created by those with strong hearts.
-Xion, XIV in the Organization, resembles Kairi and is related to her in some way, possibly a second nobody? (from the second 358/2 trailer: actually said)
-Namine resembles Kairi and Xion, and is not in the organization (sorta)
-Kairi's heart left her (it resided in Sora, but definitely wasn't with her[KH1])
-Roxas, XIII in the Organization, is Sora's nobody (KH2)
-Ven resembles Roxas and Sora, and is not in the organization (BBS trailer: Eyes, etc)
-Sora lost his own heart, and became a heartless (KH1)
SO, I feel that there is somehow another entity created when someone with a strong heart becomes a heartless. Heartless, Nobody(Roxas/Xion/etc), Second Nobody?(Ven, Namine), and the original person.
This would explain most of the Ven problems, except that with Namine/Xion, their hair is essentially reversed (blonde/black), but perhaps that has some deeper meaning?
Also, as a sort of disclaimer, I do not really have any names worked out for what this perosn would be called, nor do I know a lot about the 358/2 backstory, or what of BBS has been released, but this is my theory on Ven (and somewhat on Xion)