That's plausible... considering what we thought was a Blizzard-esque spell could be something on a totally different caliber. I mean, since when have we ever seen a blizzard spell like that? Almost all the times it is used, it manifests itself as ice crystals but never like a flash freeze type move.
ehhh....because Square never/rarely mentions a characters parents or when they do, they have an insignificant role (Sora's mom in KH1 and Cloud's mom in FF7 with the exception of Sephy's parents). Not saying that's the reason why but....looking at Ven's age, he seems to only be in his mid teens and if he was around let's say 15 or 16...and Sora was already 4 or 5 at the time of this event apparently, sooo...I find it quite difficult to believe and 11 or 12 year old could get a woman pregnant.
Hey this is more evidence for me theory about keyblades that are not bound to a keychain can become any tool the user wishes ^^ I never noticed it turned into a cannon and whip though <_<
But are you certain? There's no evidence that supports this. My theory is that the keyblades lacking a keychain are not set to a definite shape and therefore can change into what the user desires. Ever wonder why the keyblade takes a different form upon receiving another keychain? Maybe because all keyblades have the ability to shapeshift in a sense and when it is not bound to a keychain, it's ability to shapeshift is in it's most basic stage thus allowing it to become the said things I mentioned above.
No not necessarily because the force of his fall was absorbed after being caught. Take an egg being dropped from let's say.... the top of a counter. Regularly, if it hit the floor, it would bust open and spill it's contents but say someone caught it before it hit the ground (a hand being on the floor catching the egg). The hand essentially acts a cushion and the egg does not break.
And his armor was breaking as he fell. You could see chips of it coming off as he hit the many rocks on his descent down to Aqua.
Well if Terra's keyblade had the properties of a regular sword, then why in KH2 FM+ was it able to morph into about 3 shapes. 1 being a sword, two being something like a brass knuckle, and 3 a hoverboard like object?
Who here considers themselves to be a seasoned(experienced) rper?!
In the rp I created, I see 1 liners, grammatical errors a plenty, spelling errors, and other things I can't seem to remember at this moment. It irks me....I'm not used to seeing that because at KHI, where I learned how to rp about 2 or so years ago, doesn't have much of that.
IC: "That monster Yami is still alive has to be. Nothing else could make this." Des thought to himself. Turning around, Des noticed that the two people he had been attempting to protect where at his side now. The boy had consumed a large mass of darkness, an element they both shared and the girl, from what he could tell, had his other primary element, fire. This worked out perferctly. If they were going to take this thing down, they would have to do it together.
"All right, seeing that we're all here..."Des said still looking at the two people before him,"I think it's time to take this thing down." Des drew upon Ryuuga's power once more, now gaining his signature red triangles on his cheeks and forearms. He then imbued both of his weapons with the element of fire, making them almost like torches.