Recent Content by DestinyxKairi

  1. DestinyxKairi
    Yuri and Yaoi = Good *two thumbs up*

    I won't attack you :rolleyes:
    Post by: DestinyxKairi, Apr 7, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. DestinyxKairi
    Kairi and Namine because together, they can do better than any guy.
    Post by: DestinyxKairi, Apr 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. DestinyxKairi

    Maybe, but I think she likes Riku secretly.

    My Inner Kairi:

    Post by: DestinyxKairi, Apr 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. DestinyxKairi
    I highly doubt it's Sora's mom. It looks more like Tifa by the long hair, but you guys could be right.

    I was just wondering since I never found out who it was. I'm pretty sure it's Kairi myself now, but still weird.
    Post by: DestinyxKairi, Apr 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. DestinyxKairi
    I've done it before. I feel bad for that guy because I stalked him for an hour straight, my feet hurt after awhile but I was like "RIKU!".

    Red means I'm guilty of it.

    - You only go on Ebay to stare at different Kingdom Hearts items like Keyblades and Necklaces.
    - You have forced a brother/sister/parent to buy you something because it had a KH logo/character on it.
    - You pre-reserved KH2 months in advance and you brought the Limited Edition Guide book.
    - You've tried to make a keyblade out of wood in Technology class, but failed completely.
    - You cut out pictures of your favorite characters from KH, put them all on one piece of paper and hang it on the top of your ceiling (lots of Riku and Kairi pictures on my ceiling).
    - You buy Kairi's/Roxas'/Sora's/etc necklace for yourself, or for a friend (My Kairi necklace should be coming in the next couple days).
    - You got your best friend obsessed with KH (She's obsessed with Namine and Roxas).
    - You constantly download each and every KH video on this site =].
    Post by: DestinyxKairi, Apr 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. DestinyxKairi
    I love Yaoi, my favorites are Riku and Sora pairings, but I like Kairi and Namine pairings as well, aka Yuri of them.

    I believe if someone wants to draw couples, they have all the right to do it. It's only fanart and I'm sure lots love it and lots hate. I love it <3
    Post by: DestinyxKairi, Apr 2, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. DestinyxKairi
    Maybe lovers is a bit extreme, but it would explain why he visits the room a lot and mostly alone, plus a reason why he kept her and not the other Chasers.

    But yeah the Chaser does remind me of Kairi just with blue hair, there might be relation.
    Post by: DestinyxKairi, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. DestinyxKairi
    Still a little weird though.
    Post by: DestinyxKairi, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. DestinyxKairi
    lol You are my hero. I've always wondered why you can't just crawl under it.
    Post by: DestinyxKairi, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  10. DestinyxKairi
    That might be a possibility, but it's confusing as hell O-o
    Post by: DestinyxKairi, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. DestinyxKairi
  12. DestinyxKairi
    I don't think they cleared this up in the video or even in KH2. But who is the girl in this picture that flashes at the end of Another Side, Another Story:


    It really doesn't look like Kairi, to be honest it looks more like Tifa by the hair but that would make no sense. Who do you think it is?

    If this has already been proven by someone or already been answered before, just tell me, it's been on my mind for a while now.
    Thread by: DestinyxKairi, Apr 1, 2007, 15 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. DestinyxKairi
    That could be a possiblity. He does look exactly like Roxas and the blue haired girl does remind me of Kairi, but I know there is no relation to her.

    It's good to know more information =]
    Post by: DestinyxKairi, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. DestinyxKairi
    Hiya, I'm Destiny. Well technically DestinyxKairi, but just call me Destiny.

    I'm a huge fan of KH as well, sometimes I even wish I was Kairi. Well, nice to meet you all!
    Thread by: DestinyxKairi, Mar 29, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures