Recent Content by Destiny

  1. Destiny


    I believe I can help you. *Voice coming out of somewhere near Sara.* I BELIEVE, I'm not too sure. *A black energy flows from Sara to Raiden.* Try to get up now... I won't control you...

    ((Oh, dear... It seems I got lost behind. o.o And I have to go to class now XD, just to explain, with me incorporated, Raiden should get more energy and some more power, if he has any. I won't explain all my abilities tho lol))
    Post by: Destiny, Oct 11, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Destiny


    *Approaches the crowd for no reason, was just hanging around neways* Hello. How are you, Sara?
    Post by: Destiny, Oct 5, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home