"Man, we almost had her too," shock murmered to Lock. "I thought you could do better."
"I dont want to waste my time with it," Lock said slapping shock with the mop.
"I cant help it! Christmas is my favorite time of year. Sora and Riku might have given up in believeing Santa Claus, but secretly, I always believed," Kairi said laughing remembering all the times they tried to get her to believe he wasnt real but she was too stubbern to even listen.
"Wll thats the only way," Lock said shakeing the mop, "You do the trick then you get the treat. but I guess we'll just have to do it all on our own."
"We can do that after the hot chocolet!" Kairi said happily. She caught Namine`'s hand and started skipping to the work shop. I wonder if Sora was this excited when he came here.
"What are you talking about?!" Lock said throwing the mop at Isis's feet, "We Are! Like I said, you need to get to cleaning if you really want to see the treat!"
"It's only a little bit for a whole lot! What are you complainging about?!" Shock said.
"Snow angels! We could make snow angels!" Kairi said tugging a little on Namine` sleeve. "by the way, I really like your outfit! It's cute."
Kairi laughed and hugged her freind, she was so jolly she couldnt help it. "Like I said, they told me he was busy so we're going to have to wait for I dont know how long."
The trio looked at eachother and then back at Isis. "Uh, yyeaahhh. It's a trick. See, you need to clean up all this slimy goo in town and you get a treat for doing just a wonderful job!" Lock said holding out the mop. "All before the day starts too!"
"Christmas town? Everyone's getting ready for christmas of course," Kairi said letting got, "I was just playing with some elves who were takeing a break. I really want to see Santa though, but the elves said he was too busy. I asked them if they could say I was a freind of Sora's and that I said 'hi' and the agreed. I'm not sure what's going on in Halloween Town though," Kairi said.
Kairi looked up from the snow ball fight and saw Namine` walking around. She got too excited and just ran for her. "Namine`!" Kairi said and hugged her from behind, "Hey! I cant believe your here!"