Recent Content by demon-brolly

  1. demon-brolly
    cloud on pretended to be in SOLIDER he was basically one of the runts till one of his friends died in which he took on his sword and carried on his life
    Post by: demon-brolly, Feb 8, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  2. demon-brolly
    me personally I can see tidus and lulu to an exstent and maybe paine and Baralai
    Post by: demon-brolly, Feb 8, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  3. demon-brolly
    ummmmm well I personally feel like if they was gonna remake ff9 the story would have to be alot better then wha it is now it always feels like it's drifting for no reason also I guess thiers no real point in remaking ff7 since they made "Advent Children" (one of the best 3D action movie I ever seen) and the voices on it was beyond great they matched up pretty well to me anyway so I guess I would have to go with FF8
    Post by: demon-brolly, Feb 8, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  4. demon-brolly
    well actually the way I started to FF is a strange yet mystical and adventurous story but to short hand it I didn't to much have an urge to play the games and they seemed a bit over raided and the fact I never had anything out side side of sega and nintendo products helped but my unlce gave me his ps2 like 2 years ago with ff7-ff9 and after getting a ps1 memory card I was hooded to their great game play and graphics ^_^
    Post by: demon-brolly, Feb 8, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  5. demon-brolly
    I really felt they could've done better on that game it just felt as if it was lacking in a couple areas compared to the last 2 previewest games none the less I do like zidane

    male: auron, cloud
    females: paine, tifa
    Post by: demon-brolly, Feb 8, 2008 in forum: Gaming