Recent Content by DeepSubmerge

  1. DeepSubmerge
    I have written in the thread...I search for a code for FFX that let's me walk around with every character...for example...a code that let's me play as Yuna.....I want to change the lead character...and YUna was the lead character in I thought there must be a code...that let's me walk around as her in every other area....
    And in FFX-2, I woul like to play as you play as her in the begining of the game......
    That codes I want.....And I've read somewhere there are such kind of codes but nobody posted them....:)
    I hope someone can help me here:))
    Thanks in advance:))
    Post by: DeepSubmerge, May 7, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  2. DeepSubmerge
    Anyone got the codes I search for??? Or any news or information where I could find them? Thanks in advance!
    Post by: DeepSubmerge, May 1, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  3. DeepSubmerge
    Is there a code that let's me play as in Bevelle...I woul llike Yuna to be my lead character....
    Or a code that let's me play as Riku in FFX-2...
    Thanks in advance...hope someone can help out:))
    Post by: DeepSubmerge, Apr 24, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  4. DeepSubmerge
    I would like to have a code to play as Tifa or Kairi, somehow..... it's not important if it's just for one room/area.... Just let me play as Tifa or Kairi and I'm happy:)
    It would be cool to have such codes.... I thought that someone mentioned that he's making a play as kairi code.... Well....if it's true...i wish good luck and bring the code soon, hehe:)
    Post by: DeepSubmerge, Oct 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. DeepSubmerge
    And to use their models on sora's moveset???
    But Tifa is an ally....just like donald and can you play as donald, but not as tifa???
    And there are a bunch of crazy codes.... to play as boss roxas, that's possible.... Is there really noooo waaaay???? :((
    Post by: DeepSubmerge, Oct 7, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. DeepSubmerge
    Is there a code that lets me put yuna as my on-screen character, or rikku???
    I am so tired of Tidus.... I would like to play as auron, yuna or rikku and see how they look underwater:)) The code can be glitchy...I just like to walk around as other characters....for fun:))
    I read that there is a code that lets you play as jecht or young auron???
    Is that true???
    If it is, I would like to have such code too:))
    Big thanks in advance:)

    If there is a code for FFX-2 that lets me control Rikku the whole time, and not just in the begining....that would be awesome... thank you:)
    Post by: DeepSubmerge, Oct 7, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. DeepSubmerge
    Is it not possible to change sora's model for kairi's??? or tifa's?
    Is there no way to walk around as Tifa or Kairi??? Even if it glitches??? Just for a little bit??? But there is a code to play as Roxas in PJ??? If that is possible??? Then maybe Tifa or Kairi too??? :)
    Post by: DeepSubmerge, Oct 7, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. DeepSubmerge
    Is there any code to play as Kairi with Sora's moves or something like that?
    Is there any way to plays as Kairi (maybe Kairi in school uniform)? That would be cool....Kairi with the keyblade....:))
    I tried to make a code that let's me play as Tifa.... but it doesn't work... I just can use her as partner...
    Is there a chance to replace Sora with Tifa???? Any possibility to control Tifa or Tifa with Sora's moves.... To have Sora's movement... but the Tifa character model as Sora..... or something like that.... I'm waiting for a long long time for such a code that let's me plays as my favorite female characters....:))
    Big thanks in advance for your help..... love this site and the codes:)
    Post by: DeepSubmerge, Oct 7, 2009 in forum: Code Vault