Recent Content by DecayingDesire

  1. DecayingDesire
  2. DecayingDesire
  3. DecayingDesire
    Well... To give you a better idea, heres the link:
    Post by: DecayingDesire, Mar 10, 2012 in forum: Help
  4. DecayingDesire
    Uh huh, it is! But you dont have to, it may burn your eyes out... I dont want that to happen.. D:
    Post by: DecayingDesire, Mar 10, 2012 in forum: Help
  5. DecayingDesire
    Really? Ahh, I think Ill try that! ...I actually already did the outer wall a red color.. So no turning back now, eh? haha~ xD Thank you so much for the advice! c:
    Post by: DecayingDesire, Mar 10, 2012 in forum: Help
  6. DecayingDesire
    For my Art class we have to do a colored pencil drawing using blended analogous colors... For my picture I am drawing an angled bird-like perspective of a Southwest Asia kind of town from the past. (Not Modern.. To many highrise buildings.) Ive completed the line art but I cannot decide what colors to use for the town part. I was considering to use a tan color but I wanted to do something different and not completely realistic so then I considered using a red-ish hue. Basically, getting to the point of my question.. (Sorry you had to read all of that.. Dx) What colors should I use to properly convey the setting? (Note: There is a sunrise involved in the picture..) Also, I can post a link of what I have so far if that helps... and if anyone is willing to CnC..
    Im sorry for asking this.. I know I should just decide on my own but I cant.. >n< Im very indecisive.. *was timid to even post this*
    Thread by: DecayingDesire, Mar 10, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Help
  7. DecayingDesire
    My apologies, good sir.. but it seems my genie is out fez shopping right now. Wish I could help more than that!
    (But seriously.. Sorry.. D: I do wish I could help more than being weird..)
    Post by: DecayingDesire, Mar 8, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. DecayingDesire
    FFFFFF-- I should have waited. D:
    ...Now I must go and flip a table..
    Please, Excuse me..
    Post by: DecayingDesire, Mar 8, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. DecayingDesire
    It is just a tad sad that no one can seem to pay attention at all now a days, even without a phone in hand. Heck, Ive seen grown adults do this, not just teenagers! But its their business, not mine.. I just hope they dont get hurt or anything, even if they do use that iPhone app. (Not everyone has an iPhone, though.) Oh goodness.... I really do hope no one gets run over anytime soon because of technology.. ;; ( Its okay computer I still loves you! -hugs- :c )
    Post by: DecayingDesire, Mar 4, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. DecayingDesire
    Kingdom Hearts dying? I'd have to say, "Ride a mule and call pancakes a fairy food-- NO!" Erm.. Okay that was random and excessive but no, I dont think the franchise is dying. It's always possible that people are taking a break from the series or arent into it as much until the next game comes out. I for one know what its like to wait for so long and wanting to rip your own hair out at the need of knowing what will happen next( thats why I have my AC c: ). But yes, I can see the platform jumping to be a problem for most. Square Enix could be trying different graphics out on different platforms(or just doing business favors for Nintendo) but it is a hassle and may leave you with a hole in your wallet if you do go out and buy the specific platform for one game. (..I have no room to talk, I did that. *shot* ) Anyway, I cant see the series dying based on the numbers of loyal fans. ( haha, Im sure someone else has already made all of these points but oh well..~ c: )
    Post by: DecayingDesire, Mar 4, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. DecayingDesire
    Hallo, Hallo~ I'm not exactly new to this lovely site but this is indeed a new account. I was ~Larxene_43 (WHO?) long long ago and after missing this place, Ive decided to return! I hope to get more involved on here than before! Haha! But, we'll see~! Oh and I don't bite, Ill gladly chit-chat with anyone, mkay?

    EDIT: Haha, Thanks for all of your kind words and greetings! You probably wont see this edit but its alright! (The rules have changed a bit but I have became familiar with them now, thanks for notifying me! c: )
    Thread by: DecayingDesire, Mar 3, 2012, 14 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures