Recent Content by Death Singer Lorelie

  1. Death Singer Lorelie
    I have to agree with everything about Axel, Roxas, and Namine...but I have to vote Demyx. He truly believes that he and the other members of Org. XIII have hearts, and I think that if you believe something so much as Demyx does, it is at least a little bit true.

    I also agree with Kata Tsubasa no Tenshi about his voice being animated. There's no possible way that someone could be so believably happy/freaked out/ frustrated/ angry/ whatever without a heart. Plus, it just seems to me that if you got close enough, his eyes would show a light that most Nobodies wouldn't show... but that's just me. ^.^;;
    Post by: Death Singer Lorelie, Oct 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX