Recent Content by Dc Wyvern

  1. Dc Wyvern
    Any video game character? It would be funny to see Mario in it.
    Post by: Dc Wyvern, Aug 23, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Dc Wyvern
    Err....what is the stupid files? I just thought the name up one know, the Dc Wyvern. I'm like, hey. Wouldn't it be cool to see a wyvern from warcraft in Washington Dc? Hey! Dc Wyvern. No more comments.
    Post by: Dc Wyvern, Aug 23, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. Dc Wyvern
    When someone hasn't played the full Kingdom Hearts and would like to not be spoiled on the little histories in it, I think there should be a thing that says, spoilers on/off. Do you follow? In each post, you can select an icon that says, is your post a spoiler? To warn of people who want to find out the hard way, by playing the game. You can toggle this option on your account, Wish to see spoilers? Stuff like that.
    Thread by: Dc Wyvern, Aug 23, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. Dc Wyvern
    Hey... Its me...Dc me whatever you like I guess. I'm new, as you can see...
    Well what else am I supposed to say?
    I'm not done playing Kingdom Hearts, but I pretty much have all the games so far. I'm not much of a crazy fan, but the idea of making fun of organization thirteen seems cool.
    Thread by: Dc Wyvern, Aug 23, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures