Recent Content by Darth Typho

  1. Darth Typho
    Yeah, sure thing! Just let me know when your com is fixed.
    Post by: Darth Typho, Jun 30, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Darth Typho
    I really need some help. All I want are boss warp codes, and codes to make bosses tougher, more hp, more atk, def, etc. But when I try to find boss codes, all I see is a jumbled mess, and I have to try to figure out what goes with what, and it is incredibly frustrating... if someone could get back to me and help, I would really appreciate it.
    Post by: Darth Typho, Jun 26, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Darth Typho
    Username: Darth Typho
    What you would like to be called: Koy McCloud
    Where are you from: USA
    Time Zone: Mountain Time (GMT -6:00)
    Your buzzer: Ca ching!
    Post by: Darth Typho, May 26, 2014 in forum: Community News & Projects
  4. Darth Typho
    Ah, well thanks. Might be due to the abilities I have to, I picked Sword, and gave up shield, so it gave me certain abilities, you might not have.
    Post by: Darth Typho, Nov 27, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  5. Darth Typho
    I actually managed to beat the Hades Cup Time Limit at LV 50, with Ultima Keyblade, is that common, or impressive? Just curious is all.
    Post by: Darth Typho, Nov 23, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  6. Darth Typho
    This is just a guess, but I think they might be saving BBS V 2 for Kingdom Hearts 3.5. From what I have seen, we have 1.5, with FM, COM, and a cinematic 358/2 Days. 2.5 is going to be II FM, BBS FM, and a cinematic RE:Coded, now if this holds true, I am guessing that 3.5, will be DDD, KH III, and a cinematic BBS V 2. Just a guess, but tell me what you guys think.
    Post by: Darth Typho, Oct 25, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Darth Typho
    Feels like this thread is kind of dying... :(
    Post by: Darth Typho, Dec 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Darth Typho
    Aye, it's what I'm hoping. First, KH 1.5, play KH FM, and COM, then watch 358/2, then KH 2.5, Play KH FM2, then play KH BBS FM, then watch the few important scenes in Coded (Sorry, that game was mostly filler.) Then KH 3.5, Play KH DDD, Then watch BBS V2, and then play the grand finale, KHIII!
    Post by: Darth Typho, Dec 21, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Darth Typho
    Yay! Sweet! :)
    Post by: Darth Typho, Dec 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Darth Typho
    General Argone smirked, as he slowly walked across the barren wastelands. His eyes, ignoring the dirt, as it blew in the air. He continued walking, until he found what he had been looking for. He smirked, as he slowly walked towards them. He then stood at the center, as he looked around, surrounded by countless blades, blades he had now been researching for some time now. The Keyblades. His reptilian mouth formed a smile, as his yellow eyes peered at the countless blades. He walked over to one, slowly taking it out of the ground, as he looked at it. He let out a sigh. He felt no surge of power, he felt nothing. The power within the blade, no doubt died along side it's wielder. But this was not unexpected. Argone then raised his wrist, pushing back the sleeve of his blood red war uniform, as he pressed several buttons on his gauntlet, "Lieutenant, I have found it. I want this entire area secure within twenty four hours, I want every single one of these blades analyzed, scanned, and ready for combat, within the month." Such a demand, anyone would object to, but those who serve under Argone, know not to object to his demands. He demands the difficult, not the impossible, and those who claim it's impossible, pay the price. "Yes Sir!" The lieutenant responded with out hesitation, as Argone looked up, as dozens of fighters began to fly down and land, the humanoid serpent smirked, at long last the ideal world he sought to create was now in sight.
    Thread by: Darth Typho, Dec 17, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Darth Typho
    Hey, thank you so much for all your help. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1355724516][/DOUBLEPOST]General Argone OOC Sheet

    Age: Mid 30's
    Apperance: An anthropomorphic serpent, wears a red general's uniform, as well as a cloak, that used to be white, but is now dark red.
    Weapon: Is well versed in dozens of martial arts, but is not above using his claws or fangs, though he prefers to used his prize sword, made from some of the most unbreakable metals known in the galaxy.
    Personality: Charismatic, intimidating, manipulative, cunning, ruthless, and a savage fighter[DOUBLEPOST=1355793178][/DOUBLEPOST]So have I done everything right now? Got this thread in OOC, and the new on in the RP arena, anything I missed ,or anything at all?
    Post by: Darth Typho, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Darth Typho
    Okay, so now that I have done everything, now what?
    Post by: Darth Typho, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Darth Typho
    Do I move this out of OOC or something, or am I all set? Now I wait?
    Post by: Darth Typho, Dec 15, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Darth Typho
    Bio (optional)

    And no godmodding, uneccessary language, and... that's all I think. Okay, now what do I do? ^^;
    Post by: Darth Typho, Dec 15, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home