Recent Content by darkshadowxyz

  1. darkshadowxyz
    I think he's talking about how he said t-shits instead of t-shirts in his post. I don't think he was talking about your post cuz i see nothing wrong with it.
    Post by: darkshadowxyz, May 11, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. darkshadowxyz
    Well...its probably fake, not trying to be a party pooper...

    I went on EB Games a few days back, and I went to KH:BBS to see the pre-order thing. It said that it was coming December. Third party sites like EB or G4, are only about 1/4th reliable.

    So yeah, you never really know what to believe until SE themselves release a date.

    On another note, It'll take quite some time to develop, seeing how theres a lot of cutscenes, then theres the Critical mode that Nomura was talking about, then the harder things, etc.

    So we'll just hafta wait and see, and thanks for the update Mike.
    Post by: darkshadowxyz, Apr 22, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. darkshadowxyz

    You guys who are trolling about it being suckish cuz of its graphics, if we could play Chain of Memories on the GBA, and not get bored from it, and love it, we would love 358/2 Days on the DS.

    I mean really, look at the general specs of a DS! You can't really think that you'll see an ATI Catalyst graphics card in there...and of course it was a bit repetitive, everything pretty much is. KH1+2 were pretty repetitive, but I LOVED them both. Dissidia was REALLY repetitive with all the O + [] mashing, but it was still awesome!

    And besides, they remade COM so that it would have better graphics and they could release it along with KH2FM+ to make it seem cooler (and dayum, it was). So they'll probably just remake BBS and/or Coded and/or Days for the PS3/PSP/something, so don't worry about it.

    Xion. Was. Cool. Don't troll on her.

    The storyline was awesome. The controls were pretty good too (they even kept the shortcut menu). And besides, one thing that made the graphics so bad, was the fact that the game was HUGE! It had all those Missions + all those sprites + all that text + the story + all those cutscenes + it was 3D, not 2D like COM! A DS card wouldnt really hold that much, without making the graphics a bit worse, so yeah.

    Its a DS game, for crying out loud. I don't think you guys were getting so angry offa COM when it came out for the GBA, and burning on Namine. <,<
    Post by: darkshadowxyz, Feb 19, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. darkshadowxyz
    Holy crap...I want this badly...too bad I'm broke. I shouldn't have gotten Dirge. <,<
    Post by: darkshadowxyz, Feb 13, 2010 in forum: New Releases
  5. darkshadowxyz
    Oohhh dayummm.......
    Post by: darkshadowxyz, Feb 6, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. darkshadowxyz
    Aaawwwhhh....I want Re:COM now...I don't have it...yet. D:
    Post by: darkshadowxyz, Jan 27, 2010 in forum: New Releases
  7. darkshadowxyz
    Lol, I meant in general. But even so, I didn't see that name there...nor do I know how to get to the affiliates list...LOL

    Really? Lawl, my bad. ^.^
    Post by: darkshadowxyz, Jan 19, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. darkshadowxyz
    Why don't you just ask KHinsider or

    Or any other websites that we get our information from like

    Post by: darkshadowxyz, Jan 18, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. darkshadowxyz

    It isnt?

    I swear it was...LOL

    I guess it isnt...mah badd
    Post by: darkshadowxyz, Jan 10, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. darkshadowxyz

    Yeah, Ontario. Brampton, specifically. PSPs are around the price of an iPod Nano here, LOL
    Post by: darkshadowxyz, Jan 8, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. darkshadowxyz
    What's the HF thread...on PSPISO, or on here?

    Link pl0x. =D
    Post by: darkshadowxyz, Jan 8, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. darkshadowxyz
    Okay, this should answer everyone's questions.

    THIS IS A SPOILER, IF YOU DUNNO WHAT WILL HAPPEN, OR DON'T WANT TO KNOW, SKIP THIS POST! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! Mainly cuz I dunno how to make those spoiler thingamajiggers, LOL.
    Here I go:

    Terra is Xehanort.

    The secret boss is Master Xehanort, and he is in Terra's storyline.

    When Terra defeats Master Xehanort, MX opens this door and stabs himself with the keyblade, and releases his heart. MX then dissapears, but his heart enters Terra, and Terra suddenly gets his armor on. The armor then falls, and Terra is standing...BUT WITH XEHANORT'S FACE + HAIR!!!

    Then Terra/Xehanort walks away, and a bunch of chains lock the area (this happens in the Gathering Place btw, where all the keyblades are). Then he looks behind him, and sees all the armor together kneeling and clutching a keyblade, which happens to be Terra. THIS is the secret battle.

    Then you fight Xehanort/Terra with Terra Armor, and after you kill him, Terra goes back to that pose (kneeling and clutching the keyblade).

    Then a gigantic light enshrouds Armor Terra and Xehanort/Terra and X/T dissapears. Then a gigantic heart in the sky spins and dissapears into some clouds. Then the screen blackens, and Terra says something in Japanese.

    ********************************END SPOILER*******************************​

    If you wanna watch this video, click on the youtube links below.
    Post by: darkshadowxyz, Jan 8, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. darkshadowxyz

    Uhh....really...? Should I stop?

    Cuz a lot of people have hacked PSPs...o.O
    Post by: darkshadowxyz, Jan 8, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. darkshadowxyz



    So they have the game, but it wont work on any PSP till its patched. D:
    Post by: darkshadowxyz, Jan 8, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. darkshadowxyz
    Can't talk about whut?? o.o

    Hacked PSPs?

    LOL the internet is full of illegal things.

    Not saying I'm gunna post those illegal things here, buh yeh. o.O
    Post by: darkshadowxyz, Jan 7, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates