the game'll be much easier if you could get the attacks in Final Mix+. The game'll show us when, and how he gets it. i think he get's it after he defearts riku. roxas is much stronger than sora. sora just beat him cause of a fluke... unless you were higher than lv 80 wen you beat him. he'll probably get DW
It's pretty obvious that Roxas and Namine has a heart. The thing is, I'm not sure about Axel. He was infuenced by Roxas, and knew what it was like to have a heart because of Roxas, and memories of his original. Also, Namine and Roxas both like each other without knowing, or intending to. You have to have a heart to like someone. Plus, Roxas and Namine were actually supposed to disappear when Sora and Kairi went back to normal because nobodies are shells of left-non-hearted-bodies. Yet, Roxas and Namine were still there. I think this means that Roxas and Namine were supposed to exist. Axel, we will never know until Kingdom Hearts 315/2 days.
I think the 14th member's gonna be the nobody of Aqua's decendent. And she also get's the keyblade cause Aqua chose her daughter, the half of the 14th. Unfortunately, the nobody died as soon as the first mission ended.