Recent Content by Darknight91

  1. Darknight91
    Personally, I think leon and Saix would wear each other out, then Seifer would come in and just bonk them with his bat.{BONK!} ...Ow! Hey, I said that you would win! (siefer) "yeah, but you made it sound like it could only happen if they were weakened. Do it right!" (Me)Fine, just don't bonk me anymore...
    Post by: Darknight91, Jul 25, 2008 in forum: Archives
  2. Darknight91
    Way cool. No wonder it took so long to do. I mean, did you have to make a quick reference chart or something for who was fighting who? I would've gotten confused just a paragraph in if I was trying to write this.
    Post by: Darknight91, Jun 25, 2008 in forum: Archives
  3. Darknight91
    Dude, you rock

    I have to applaud you on a job well done so far with the story, especially the consistency of the character's personalities. I have dabbled in some fiction writing myself(but never in fan-fiction) and found that to be one of the more difficult aspects. Also, I like how you took the original characters and both emphasized things that were noticable in the games, as well as, in some cases, took the characters into a new direction by fleshing them out a bit.

    major kudos dude.
    Post by: Darknight91, Jun 23, 2008 in forum: Archives