Recent Content by DarkKeyblade

  1. DarkKeyblade
    Hi, I'm DarkKeyblade, i'm from the U.S. Just barely joined. I've made a few AMV's of Kingdom Hearts, and just thought I'd post them so I can receive tips on how to make better ones. Anyways, thanks for letting me join, and I'll update a video tommorrow.

    P.S. I uploaded a video in the gameplay section, before reading the rules. I couldn't find the thread after I posted for some reason, so if an Admin, or Moderator could help me with that, it would be much appreciated.:bangbang:
    Thread by: DarkKeyblade, Sep 6, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. DarkKeyblade

    So...I guess this is my first post in these forums. Just want to say hi, and stuff like that. Anyways, hope you enjoy the video.
    Thread by: DarkKeyblade, Sep 6, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio