I would have to say Space Paranoia (I think that's what its called. o.o).
I don't know why, every time no matter how many times I play the game over and over again, I abosolutly hate going there.
I'm not sure, though my friend had told me that she has seen trailers for FM and that they were in english and thinks they could be relising it in the US.
Yet I'm not going to trust her.
Though one of them had picked up a keyblade that almost looked like the Road to Dawn. (Riku's keyblade.)
Though I am not going to assume it was the Road to Dawn and one of them is Riku.
Well since you are using the drives for strength, you wnat to use a keyblade known for strength and other good qualities.
I'm not sure on all the keyblades, so I can't really help you on which exact keyblades to choose.