Recent Content by darkeninglight

  1. darkeninglight
    I'm darkeninglight...uh, i love anime and manga, Naruto, Inuyasha, Death Note, D.N.Angel, Rosario Vampire, Ouran High School Host Club etc.

    I like the dark gothic style, but have a fun, upbeat personallity. I'm in the midst of learning Japanese, and I'd say it's going quite well...

    My friends say I can draw really well, but i don't do it too often. I love the twilight series, the House Of Night series, and the Kissing Coffin series. And I write way too many fan fictiond than is healthy...

    I don't listen to much music but I do have some favourites. HIM. Avril Lavigne. Pink. Green Day. Thee Days Grace. My Chemical Romance. Offspring. Rentrer En Soi. Bowling For Soup. Fall Out Boy. Queen. Evanessence. And others.
    Thread by: darkeninglight, Jan 16, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures