To defeat him the second time, timig is EVERYTHING, you must use as many reaction commands as you can, keep magic points, to use curaga, and have a lot of poyions and stuff.
The best way to defeat him is using the reaction commands to destroy as many water fugures as you can, once you destroy them all attack demyx emidiately, nd that´s basicly it...xD.
P.S. you should also use the valor nad wisdom form when you can.
I think that his wife was somehow aware of the situation, If you think abput it that woman must have had some kind of knowledgement of what was happening, cuz if the daughter had children, then her children are also her dad´s children, an he must have had absence in the house cuz he was raping his daughter. Secondly they were on the basement so she must have heard baby cries, cries for help and stuff. So i think she was kind of aware of it like subconciosly aware, and just didn´t want to admit it because she was afraid.
Dunno it depends on the fourteen year old, im fourteen and im like 5 feet tall :S. But still Sora looks really young in that game.
And answering the original question of this thread I sometimes play it, but just to finish everything I couldn´t finish before, like sephiroth and stuff.
This kinda things make you think how sick the world is these days.
I can´t believe that someone could do that to her own daughter, thats just SICK, i don´t believe in death sentence but i really think they hould kill that man.
At least they found them, and puta an end to that SoaB.
I think it´s possible and that eventually it will, happen. The consecuences of the global warming are starting to show, last year in chile it snowed! something that doesnt happen here only in the mountains. So there are starting to be climatic changes, also here the summers are gettng longer, it´s autumm here and wwe still have hot days. So i think something like the day after tomorrow may happen.
First i want to apologize if there´s already a thread about this.
I was posting on a friend´s forum when i notuced he had made a new section and in it was the thread of Deja Vu, and it had his opinion about it.
I want to know what you think about it, what is a Deja Vu?
My theory is that while we exist in our own time, at the same time we co exist with the past and the future. so what i´m saying is that the present, future and past, all exist at the same time.
So because of this "phenomenom" (of all 3 co exisiting at the same time) i think that in some time or situation you "comunicate" or contact your present or future self, given the result of the Deja Vu.