Recent Content by darkansem

  1. darkansem
    You got to remember that...
    1. Alot of people, especially Demyx wont be able to handle Larxene xD
    2. Xion's like- 14/15 so if anyone has her it's got to be Roxas (Disney does not want to promote pedophelia I'm pretty sure.

    So that leaves a massive group of guys...
    But let's not forget that Xenmas is an anagram for Mansex.
    You can imagine what else happens x]
    Post by: darkansem, Dec 4, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. darkansem
    I'd go for the eyes... I can stare into a pair all day if i could mwahahaha xD.
    Personality wise, someone who...
    -Can talk back but knows where the line is.
    -Gives me space, especially when I'm down.
    -Has a sense of humour.
    -Doesn't force me to change.
    Post by: darkansem, Dec 4, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  3. darkansem
    I'd say Ziggy or Luxord... just because we need someone old and wise after Diz died xD
    Post by: darkansem, Dec 4, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. darkansem
    Maybe thats how dusks are produced.... LOL.
    But on a serious note, they probably can but they choose not to because they have nothing to gain from it. This is because they can't feel any emotional bonding (probably besides those who have close relations with Roxas/Namine) And the female will see bearing a child as a hindrance.
    Post by: darkansem, Dec 4, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. darkansem
    It wouldve been okay if SOMEONE wasnt so weak... grrr...

    But yeah its a great game to play. Thank god my sister has a ds lol xD.
    Since I'm playing Re:CoM and This at the same time and I gotta say, the battle system used in 358/2 days is way better than the card system. (just comparing between the two portable games that are out). The levelling system also provides great versatility, but camera is a pain for me....
    Post by: darkansem, Dec 4, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. darkansem
    I'd say Xenmas. Two words- Bangs (as in fringes) and lightsabers xD, Though I did love Xehanort's facial expressions more =D
    Post by: darkansem, Dec 2, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts