I though Advent Children was out in english cause i remember watching it?
I relised after i saw Negi and Naku lol;)
Yea i agree with both of you as well i was just feelin a bit nostalgic today so wondered bout everyone else.
Yay i want as furby baby ,wait a minute.;) lol ebay has everything.
Must be somethin bout today because i couldent sleep worth anything same situation as you except no little brother.:)
Yeah what makes you the most Nostalgic about your past? For me it would have to shows like DuckTales and Talespin and all the Good disney shows.(And watching them at my grandmas house lol) So what bout YOU???
67 even more confused
65 that it does
61 *confused*
55 Finally got to get on huhh new thread this happend fast
8/10 nivce avy 10/10 really cool great game
25 no comment
22 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEHx_UMgyig subject change
18 now we all know the truth